
发布时间: 2010-03-22 16:17   来源: 北外网院



Depend on myself and have self-confidence in my heart forever.


Learing by Doing    

Just after I had learnt Unit Three in English at Leisure, which is about eating and drinking, I received a task—as a representative, I have to arrange the whole traveling of a group of American customers who visited our school. Fortunately, this unit had taught me how to express Chao、Zhu、Zheng、Kao、Dun;Ding、Pian、Si、Muo in English and how to order the dishes, such as YuxiangRousi、TangcuPaigu、XingrenJiding、YangcongNiurousi. As a result, when I ordered the menu, I could use the words freely and express myself fully and completely.


Make Words Match and Memory the Words            

To make words match and there should exist a clue among them, and you could memory them easily. That’s what I have done.


Once upon a time, when I did the progress report of a unit, I saw a word --fiancé and thought it should have the same meaning of the word --finance. Later I found three similar words--fiancé, fiancée, and finance. They seem the same in spellings but quite different in meanings.



院长信箱: yzxx@beiwaionline.com      合作信箱: hezuo@beiwaionline.com

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