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Your dream will come true by non-stop trying

During different stages in our lives, we pursue different dreams, even if we could meet challenging ones. Some of them will come true easily, some of them will not. However, once dreams come true, we will be surrounded by the happiness and the sense of achievement, especially, the challenging ones. Do we have any secrets to succeed in making our dreams come true? If there’s one answer, I think that the only one is to try continuously until we realize our dreams.

Have you ever heard of a name of Walt Disney? If not, I bet that you must have known and watched the cartoon character of Micky Mouse, which is the most famous cartoon character in the world created by Walt Disney. Most people have seen a lot of Disney movies, but few of them know his life story.  Before he created the character of Mickey Mouse, he had ever submitted a number of pieces of drawing for publication. Nevertheless, none of them were chosen by the publication. Although he experienced the unsuccessful experiences, he didn’t quit. He continued to draw the pictures till he created the most famous characters in the world, such as Micky Mouse, Donald Duck ,Snow White Woman and Seven Dwarfs and so on.

One day, I just turned on the TV, happening to change to the channel of CCTV NEWS. Knowing the latest news about the first Chinese navigator, Guochuan, he had lost in the sea for a week during his navigation from San Franciscoof USA to Shanghai Jinshan of China by himself. After that, I spent much time in getting to know him. He used to work in a state-owned enterprise and the great promotion would be in the future. Beyond people’s expectations, quitting that stable and prospect job, he made his mind to pursue his dream of taking adventure of sailing in the sea. Under the training of navigation, he had taken part in boat-sailing races in the world. And he was the first person in China, who won the VolvoOcean Race and crossing English Channel by the single boat.Though, something unfortunately happened to him, we had to admit that he has had realized his dream.

Recent years, Chairman Xi has appealed to anyone to seek for China dream and realize China dream, which encourages any body in China to do that. In Rio Olympic Games, Women’s Volleyball Team won the champion, which Chinese were waiting for 12years since they had won the first in Athens Olympic Games. Women’s Volleyball Team, they never give up, even though all Brazilian audiences supported Brazilian team. This is called the spirit of women’s volleyball team. We must keep trying until our dream comes true. From our country to individuals, though we are probably confronted with problems, failure or challeng, we could not stop trying. No matter what we could meet, we never stop trying. When we’re students, we do our best to pass an exam. Performing well in class will be defined that dreams come true. When we’re working, we do our best to master more and more working skills. Getting promotions or pay raises will be defined that dreams come true. When we’re parents, we do our best to bring up our children. See them growing healthily and happily will be defined that dreams come true.  From the young to the old, some dreams will come true, some them not.

Once our dreams come true, we could not only succeed in our lives, but also we get much more matured.What I want to say, please don’t give up our dreams until our dreams come true.

北外校本部学习中心  英语专业



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