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The turning points

There are several turning points in recent years, some is good, and some is bad. All these memories are deeply rooted in my thoughts and difficult to be removed. Now, learning study at Beijing Foreign Studies University will be the Delete Button to remove all the bad items.

It was a morning in 2006, I received the Offer from the North China University of Water Resources & Electric Power, majoring in English. My parents were very happy to hear the news. However, the National Holiday of 2010, I was a senior student at that moment. The bad turning point grabbed me by the throat that I was in jail for 8 months. I don’t want to share the memory with you, because I’m not a bad boy actually. But today, I think it’ll be a chance for me to recall it for the last time and it’ll be deleted forever, because I’ve pressed the Delete Button.

When I was studying at the university, I had a really beautiful girl friend. One night, she cried telling me that she was raped by a boy when she was drunk in KTV three days ago. I was mad at that moment, but there was no reliable evidence to proove that. One week later, I thoroughly lost the ability to control temper and stabbed the boy with a dagger.

It has elapsed for several years, but the nightmare also wakes up me at night. I lost my university, lost my major, lost my student’s longing future, lost the black hair of my parents.

In the spring of 2013, I god the admission information of BeiwaiOnline occasionally, the fire to study again burned slowly. I changed a lot in the past 3 three years and rearranged my future. Now, my personality has changed, I have many friends and classmates, we study together and have progressed a lot. I’m planning to be an English teacher in the near future. In addition, I’m also planning to be a postgraduate student. Moreover, I’ve get married in May this year with a really lovely girl, and we got the blessing of all the relatives and friends. My parents are very happy now. A bright future is coming. I truly believe that past is past, future is new!

Thank you, my teacher and all the staff of BeiwaiOnline, without you, without the turning point. Now, it is the moment to press the Delete Button and say good bye to the past.

北外校本部学习中心 英语专业

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