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Online English Learning and Conventional English Learning


Up to now, I have been an online English learner with Beiwaionline for nearly three years. At the same time, I am still a conventional English learner. Therefore, I often experience the difference between these two forms of English learning. In my opinion, though there are advantages and disadvantages for both online English learning and conventional English learning, the former is better than the latter.

As we know, people often use '3As' to describe the advantage of online learning. It is 'anyone, anytime and anywhere'. From my point of view, the last two 'A's are especially good for English study. We all know that English learning needs continuous devotion. Here, 'anytime and anywhere' offers us a good circumstance for our constant study. Once the computer is connected to the Internet, sufficient online learning resources are available, such as virtual classrooms, books and so on. We can raise our questions in the morning, in the afternoon or at night. We can also hand in our assignments at home or in our office. We can still access to our textbook outside the classroom and even at home without taking them with us. Moreover, as the wireless technology is developing, we can now log on to the Internet through our mobile phone. Therefore, it would become true that one day we can carry on our online study through the mobile phone. In contrast, conventional English learning seems to be more inflexible. Once we leave our school or even our classroom, it will be difficult for us to ask our teachers any questions. Furthermore, if we forget to take the textbook with us, it will be hard for us to study and then waste a lot of time. All in all, online English learning is more flexible and convenient. With these two advantages, we can study English at anytime and in anywhere.

In addition, the other 'A', anyone, is also an advantage for English learning. In the conventional English learning, our classmates are all full-time students. We have the same teacher in the classroom; we finish the same assignment at home; and we share the same learning experience in our life. As a result, topics which we can talk about in English are limited in the school. Furthermore, because we are familiar with each other, we are often afraid of losing face and shy to practice our oral English, which is not good for us. However, for online English learning, most students are part-time. They have different careers and at different ages. Through the Internet, we can communicate with each other both in Chinese and in English. Since most of us do not know each other very well, we can open our mouths freely and speak English without any hesitation. In addition, our topics are not only limited on our school but about the wonderful world as we all have different life experiences. Take myself as an example, I am that kind of students who never raise their hands in the classroom. I feel embarrassed to speak English in front of my close friends. But it is easy for me to communicate with others in English without meeting face-to-face. In one word, online English learning has a virtual classroom in which anyone can attend and anyone can speak freely.

Besides, online English learning makes students more active than conventional English learning dose. The latter emphasizes the importance of teachers and most of the study is finished by students together with teachers. Students have to receive all the knowledge without considering whether we have mastered them or not and whether we are interested in them or not. Someone have decided for students what should be read, what should be listened and what should be written. Sometimes, students just acquire knowledge passively. On the contrary, the former requires students to play an active role in English learning. On the one hand, it can save us a lot of time. Students themselves can decide what to study further and what to skip. Moreover, we can download materials on English study that we are interested in. On the other hand, playing an active role is the very character we should have not only in English study but also in our daily life. Take myself as an example again, I will never forget the moment when I determined to participate in VOB. How active I was! It seemed unbelievable for me to do that at that time. However, I did. After that, I feel I become more and more active in my life and being active offers me a lot rewards. To sum up, online English learning makes us keep in mind that what is important, what we need and how to get it.

However, as one coin has two sides, there are still two disadvantages of online English learning. For one thing, students are not familiar with each other. Our study is carried out through the Internet and most of the time we do not meet each other face-to-face. The medium between us is just through text and voice. For another, online learning depends a lot on the quality of the network. Once something goes wrong in our network, it will be terrible. In contrast, conventional English learning does not have such problems. In conclusion, online English learning is better than conventional English learning. As the information technology develops, its advantages will become more and more obvious and its disadvantages will be overcome.

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