(by 宋萌萌)
Have you looked out of the window
stumbled upon a seven-colored rainbow
that led you to a fancy world behind a distant hill?

Have you attempted to surmount the hill
cleaved through the bushes and bramble
that forged you into a s as a strong-minded girl?

Have you strived to be a sweaty girl
made endeavor to approach the rainbow
that eventually distinguished you within a concrete jungle?

It is your indolence that cultivates the opponent's lucky role.
It is your stereotype that pushes him to cook an innovative meal.
It is your hesitation that drives away his hidden shrinking soul.
It is your weakness that blows off his candle of a timid will.
It is your inexertion that awards him with the shinning cup and medal.

Wake up and ready to go
No one grows up easily to be an outstanding girl!
Wake up and ready to go
Give a go to touch the rainbow!

Produced By CMS 网站群内容管理系统 publishdate:2024/05/15 16:45:44