首页 > 意大利都灵联合国暑期夏令营之旅8月14日英文版

Today is the 10th day of the BFSU’s teachers and students attending the UN summer camp. They have gradually adapted to the habits and teaching methods here, and they have devoted themselves to the summer camp curriculum.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, Ms. Margarita Lalayan, the senior project officer of ITCILO, introduced the contents of Social Finance to the students. After a brief greeting with the students, Ms. Margarita Lalayan started from Sustainable Development Goals and explained the relationship between Social Finance and Sustainable Development Goals from the different aspects, such as asset construction and narrowing the gap between rich and poor and so on. After expanding some financial knowledge, she integrated this knowledge into real life and made relative evaluations.

After lunch, the students joined in an hour of entry-level Italian study, and everyone's positive performance was praised by the instructor.

After that, the students took the bus to the world's second largest Egyptian museum, the Egyptian Museum of Turin. The Egyptian Museum is located in the center of Torin and is only a half hour drive from the training center. More than 300,000 pieces of cultural relics were collected here, and 63,000 pieces were exhibited, accounting for about one-fifth of all cultural relics. The statues of the pharaohs displayed in the museum, the mummies and some of the living utensils of the people at that time seemed to tell us stories that have been dusty for a long time.

What is seen and heard today can be described as a perfect combination of work and rest. The students got a new experience once again.

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