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Waiting,is a kind of happiness!



Life is like a big stage, every one of us is a good actor, the difference is the role player, there are famous player, and bad player, there also have positive and negative image, in our real life is the same, there are happiness and painful, there are gladness and sadness, if you are emotional you will have vexation, if you give up something you will get something, if you have hope also you will lose hope. The most grateful thing is that I made a good choice-I choose to enter Beiwai Online to improve my English skills, from the day I registered in the school I have my goal, and have my hope, I wait for a big change in my lifetime, knowledge can change a person’s life, as for me, I wish I learn a lot, improve a lot and get more meaningful life. Actually, Beiwai Online really taught me a lot, it enriched my life and study, thanks to Beiwai Online!  


From 2011, I became a student of Beiwai Online, I chose English as my main major, the teacher said I need to learn almost three years then I could get graduated, there is always a belief in my mind, I want to learn, I want to get knowledge, what’s more I want to have a better life and a colorful lifetime, while I am working while I am studying,  I read many books, watched many English movies, I listened to the VOA Special English, and I also learned from all English major students, I did all this just to change my life,  my English teachers helped me a lot, everyone is different, I believe nothing is impossible if you put your heart in it! I was so happy because I tried my best to reach my goal! I think Happiness is almost like this!


People always pay much attention on the previous things, but never to discover the story behind, when you wait for your lover in anxious, why not be a little quiet, to find a sunshine place, to get a cup of tea, rest for a while, maybe at that time, you will find waiting is a beautiful thing, sickness is one kind of wonderful thing!


Something need time to prove it, someone said waiting is so far away, and another people may also ask how long is "forever"? No one knows the answer, when you are waiting for something, don’t be anxious and annoyance, you should hold the excitement and joyance, keep this mind till the best thing come! Sometimes when I closed my eyes, I think whether it is correct I choose to study in this school, almost two years pasted, I thought it over and over, compare from the past times, I got my English skills improved, I changed my attitude towards life, some of my friends told me why I always kept an positive mind even some bad things happened to me, I told them life is so long, you need not to be sad when something bad happened, if you lost your confidence when  bad things came, your life will always be in a dark space, there are many not good things in this world, the crucial is what kind of attitude you keep, life is like a mirror, when you smile to it, it returns you joyful, but when you cry to it, your bad luck will continue, I always tell myself, I am the best, I could reach my goal, I should keep on study and study, although now I still need to wait to be graduated, I think it is worth to do it, life and study need challenge, waiting is a kind of challenge, I need to keep on and on!


The people who are so busy will not have this feeling, the people who are at leisure will also not have this feeling, and the feeling belongs to those people who put their heart into wait, and to miss.  I remember one saying: “wait for a life, complain for a life, regret for a life, but still thanks to the god that give me one thing or one person I wait for,”The word is so classical, don’t be angry for the things late to come, because this proves your feeling exist, your effort you have made, and your position in someone’s heart. If there is nothing for you to wait in this world, you can imagine how sadness and loneliness you are! Change your mind and attitude, you will find you are so happy when you are waiting for something!


Now, I go to school to have every class, I can make many friends in the class, the teacher is so kind, before I go to school, I will review the lesson that will be taught in the classroom,  I love the feeling when I am enjoying the class, every Saturday, go to school to have class is my expectation, I also have some homework, I never think it is hard and difficult to me, in my mind, all these is a kind of life enjoyment to me, never lose my passion, I will always have something to wait! I believe this kind of attitude will help me to make a great progress in my life!


Do you also think waiting is kind of happiness? Actually, I think so; I wait for change and enrich my life, so everything in my life will be splendid what about you?

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