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Special Journey of Learning English

I was lucky enough to seize the chance of study again five years after I graduated from university. When I first came across the School of Online and Continuing Education of Beijing Foreign Studies University, I was attracted by its flexible teaching methods as well as its good reputation. I’m determined to experience the next special two and half years with BWOL hand in hand. Its distance learning system allows those who are busy with work to make full use of spare time after college.

How fast time flies! Two months has passed since the first opening ceremony. I wish I had chosen BWOL earlier. I feel it’s an absolutely wise choice for me to attend BWOL. First, the elaborate learning materials are rather useful and significant. If I have a good command of course content, I will make a marvelous progress. Besides, there are tutorial classes every weekend. I also communicate with teachers and classmates about confusing questions of learning by myself. Moreover, VOB and forum are always full of exciting knowledge that you never knew before. Teachers are responsible for the teaching and providing a range of practical guidance on how to learn English, which are beyond my expectation. It is a pretty good choice of BWOL, isn’t it?

No pain, no gain. The past two months is only a small part of two and half years’ learning journey. In order to finish the courses in time I need to make leaning plan from Monday to Friday. Preview is of importance for tutorial classes, after that I could follow everything the teacher says and have a good understanding of the new knowledge. However, learning by myself is not always satisfactory. There are always things awaiting me to finish, for example chatting and shopping, relaxing or hanging out with friends at any time when you want. At the same time I have a lot to learn from online course. Now it seems that time is more valuable and limited for me. At this moment, self-discipline is the biggest challenge. Because we need to insist on learning by ourselves without other’s supervision. Indeed, we are so accustomed to our daily routine. “To be or not to be.” It’s time to challenge myself to balance well between learning and life. Now I’m learning time management, including getting up thirty minutes earlier to read aloud every day, starting the day as a good learner; doing task in a fixed time; reading three stories of O henry one week; doing at least ten minutes’ dictation every day etc. Gradually, I’m getting to know more about the English and getting used to regular lifestyle with learning. As far as I am concerned, learning by doing based on schedule is quite efficient. There’s a saying:” Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” Learning language is not an action, while learning language is a habit. Therefore, there’s no reason at all to say there’s no time to do unless you’re giving up myself.

All in all, it is my firm belief that a thousand miles begins with a simple step. Keep sprits up and hope for the best. You are what you want to be. Thanks to Beiwai online. I’m enjoying this special journey of learning English.

北外校本部学习中心 英语专业

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