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My Evolution at BeiwaiOnline

No one can deny the fact that English becomes increasingly important in our daily life, but my awareness of English importance came too late when I saw a very good job opportunity that good spoken English and written English are required. Inevitably, I decided to continue my English learning at BeiwaiOnline.

Frankly speaking, I hesitated first when I decided to learn English at BeiwaiOnline, because it was doubtful for me whether it was worthy to invest my money and energy in a virtual university which I could not see and touch. To some extent, it just looked like an oyster for me and the result was uncertain whether I could find pearl inside. However, with the remarkable improvement of my English skills at BeiwaiOnline, I realized that my concern was completely unnecessary. There was sufficient evidence to show that this was not my own illusion but accepted by my colleagues and my boss, firstly, they said that my written English was much better, they could tell it from my mail, it was concise and coherent, secondly, they said that my spoken English also improved a lot, because I didn’t turn myself into mute mode any more in the meeting with English language. Particularly, I got the honorable mention during the Beiwai VOB activity “I Speak to Fran”, Fran is a native English speaker, I had never expected to talk with a foreigner without any comprehension problem before, but the facts had proved that I made a big progress of my spoken English. Furthermore, I had received the letter from Fran in her own handwriting and this was the most exciting part for me in BeiwaiOnline.

On the other hand, I found that the courses of BeiwaiOnline had fully beyond my expectation. It was a systematic training about English in comparison with the extremely expensive rapid English training in the market which I intended to participate before. For instance, at the beginning, I found it very hard to express my ideas through writing in English, even it was just an email or report. The Advanced English Writing told me how to make my writing perfectly, there were some strategies to do it, such as presenting my ideas by the ways of classification, definition, examples, comparison and contrast, cause and effect, then writing in English became easy for me. In addition, the cross-cultural communication course is also very interesting,  I had been invited to one of my foreign friend’s apartment to help him with his computer, in return, he treated me for a meal, but to my surprise, it was just a hamburger and one cup of coca-cola, when he asked me if I wanted to have something more, I just said, “no, thanks”, it was a modest way as every Chinese people would do, then he really didn’t order anything else for me, I was so disappointed about that experience. Eventually, I understood that it was due to the different culture between China and Western countries after the cross-culture communication course. He didn't understand the Chinese way of accepting an invitation, on the contrary, for western people, as a host, they allowed guests to help themselves to food rather than selecting food for them.

Nowadays, with the booming of economy in China, not only more and more multi-national companies come to China, but also a huge number of domestic companies expand their business to worldwide, in this case, English plays an important role to the international business. That is to say, more English knowledge we have mastered, more competency we have.

深圳市才智培训中心学习中心   英语专业

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