北外名师Norman Pritchard,6月18日与您相约上海!

发布时间: 2005-06-15 09:26   来源:
讲座主题:Taking Charge of Your Own Learning 主 讲 人:Norman Pritchard He has been a teacher for over 40 years and has worked in 14 countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, South America, and Asia. His degrees are from the Universities of Leicester (BA and Postgrad Cert of Ed) and Essex (MA in Applied Linguistics). He did production training in radio and television with the BBC, has published several ELT textbooks and made over 300 radio and TV programs, of which 50 were with CCRTVU. 讲座时间:2005年6月18日(周六)下午1:30—4:00 讲座地点:上海图书馆 正门四楼多功能厅2401室 地址:上海市淮海中路1555号(地铁一号线衡山路站) 欢迎上海地区所有在读学生及其家人朋友,一起参加本周六Norman的讲座! 另外,前来参加讲座者将有机会免费获赠50元精品课程学习卡。



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