北外网院2004巡访 之 大连之行

发布时间: 2004-05-20 12:32   来源:
关键词: 04上半年巡访;大连
  2004年4月16-20日,北外网院专职外教Prof. Bruce Michael对北外网院大连翻译学院学习中心进行了上半年度的工作巡访与巡教。   4月16日和4月17日,Prof. Bruce Michael对该学习中心专升本和高起本两个层次的学生分别做了两场讲座:“Relationship between BA course study and the practical relevance for students in the future”,和"Review the English writing 1 and go through with some examples of common writing problems"   Prof. Bruce Michael 回到北京后,在提到大连翻译学院学习中心的学生时,赞扬之情溢于言表,他说,The students were attentive and asked relevant questions and were actively involved in the three classes I had.   通过此次北外网院外籍专家去地方学习中心巡教、巡访,拉近了北外网院师生之间的距离,体现了北外网院“2004精品年”为学员服务的宗旨。有学生在发给Prof. Bruce Michael的邮件中提到:能够在地方学习中心见到北外网院总部的老师,真是一件令人振奋的事情。您的精彩讲座和英语语音真让人着迷……聆听您的讲座甚至鼓励了我在英语学习的路上笃定信心,勇往直前。(It was great meeting you in my local tutorial center. I was deeply fascinated by your wonderful lecture and, especially, the way you speak English :) I am a lucky dog, and always an enthusiastic distance learner. It was my honor to accompany you all the way to your accommodation. Indeed, some of your words encouraged me to carry on my studies.) Prof. Bruce Michael Prof. Bruce Michael与学生合影1 Bruce 与大连翻译学院学习中心师生合影 Prof. Bruce Michael与学生合影2



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