
发布时间: 2012-03-21 12:27   来源:


Adam Smith is a Scottish political economist and moral philosopher, whose writings had a, profound influence on economic thought. His Wealth of Nations was one of the most influential books in the latter part of the eighteenth century. The book appeared in 1776, its full title being An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Publication in the same year as the American Declaration of Independence was significant. Both the Declaration and the book struck powerful blows against the mercantilist system’s government-imposed restrictions on trade. Smith argued that true a wealth of a country is its output of real goods and services, not its stock of gold or silver, the role of money being to facilitate the production and exchange of goods. Gold, according to Smith, was fundamentally useless to a nation, however useful it might be for an individual.

Smith’s laissez-faire economics dominated thought and practice in the Western world for a century and more. He opposed the mercantilists’ programs of government control. According to Smith, an “invisible hand” was at work, operating in such a way that even though each person was attempting to maximize his own individual welfare, the net result of his attempts to do so would be the maximization of the welfare of the entire society. This “invisible hand” was none other than the market itself. Smith’s work therefore was a powerful argument for laissez-faire and the free enterprise system. He wrote a remarkably complete economic treatise, the principal systematic treatment of economic thought to that time. He also founded a new school of British economic thought: the classical school. Thomas Robert Malthus, David Ricardo, and John Stuart Mill were the other principal members. He dealt in detail with such matters as tile advantages of specialization, the importance of increasing market size, the determination of prices, wages, and profits, and so forth. He took an optimistic view of economic development, because he felt the growth of population would increase market size and thereby stimulate the growth of efficiency by means of specialization. After nearly two centuries, Adam Smith remains a towering figure in the history of economic thought.






Adam Smith is a Scottish political economist and moral philosopher, whose writings had a, profound influence on economic thought. His Wealth of Nations was one of the most influential books in the latter part of the eighteenth century. The book appeared in 1776, its full title being An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. Publication in the same year as the American Declaration of Independence was significant. Both the Declaration and the book struck powerful blows against the mercantilist system’s government-imposed restrictions on trade. Smith argued that true a wealth of a country is its output of real goods and services, not its stock of gold or silver, the role of money being to facilitate the production and exchange of goods. Gold, according to Smith, was fundamentally useless to a nation, however useful it might be for an individual.

Smith’s laissez-faire economics dominated thought and practice in the Western world for a century and more. He opposed the mercantilists’ programs of government control. According to Smith, an “invisible hand” was at work, operating in such a way that even though each person was attempting to maximize his own individual welfare, the net result of his attempts to do so would be the maximization of the welfare of the entire society. This “invisible hand” was none other than the market itself. Smith’s work therefore was a powerful argument for laissez-faire and the free enterprise system. He wrote a remarkably complete economic treatise, the principal systematic treatment of economic thought to that time. He also founded a new school of British economic thought: the classical school. Thomas Robert Malthus, David Ricardo, and John Stuart Mill were the other principal members. He dealt in detail with such matters as tile advantages of specialization, the importance of increasing market size, the determination of prices, wages, and profits, and so forth. He took an optimistic view of economic development, because he felt the growth of population would increase market size and thereby stimulate the growth of efficiency by means of specialization. After nearly two centuries, Adam Smith remains a towering figure in the history of economic thought.













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