
发布时间: 2012-03-22 13:29   来源:






Bank of America said, will be a private transaction way to sell 10400000000 shares of China Construction Bank Limited, involving capital 6600000000 dollar. After the completion of the transaction, Bank of America Holdings of shares in China Construction Bank will be reduced to 1%. Bank of America a reduction of CCB is at the end of 8, CCB had previously said, Bank of America will hold no less than 5% of the shares of CCB for long-term investment.

The United States of America ‘s big second banks by assets, Bank of America today announced, has been with the investors to reach an agreement, will be private transaction way to sell 10400000000 shares of China Construction Bank corporation. This transaction can be raised about $6600000000 ( about 41966000000 yuan), is expected to bring $1800000000 Bank of the United States ( about 11445000000 yuan) after-tax profits, after the completion of the silver holdings of shares in China Construction Bank will be reduced to 1%.

The Bank of America sold CCB shares the main purpose is to strengthen its capital base, in order to achieve the Basel Committee on banking supervision of the capital adequacy requirement. Beautiful silver CFO Bruce Thomsen said in a public notice, expected this transaction will bring about $2900000000 ( about 18440000000 yuan) as an additional level of capital, make a capital ratio increased 0.24 percentage points.

Bank of America since 2005 June shares of Construction Bank after the shareholding percentage, the highest reached 19.14%. 08 years after the financial crisis, Bank of America to supplement the capital began to adhere to the CCB shares, since the 09 years since the four successive reduction of Construction Bank H shares, the accumulated cash of approximately $19400000000 ( about 123355000000 yuan)。 A recent is at the end of 8 to 8300000000 dollars ( about 52776000000 yuan) sold 13100000000 shares H shares of CCB, there are buyers including the State Administration of foreign exchange, the social security fund, pale horse tin and Qatar’s sovereign fund.

CCB CCB President Zhang Jianguo earlier in the performance that, Bank of America will hold no less than 5% of the shares of CCB for long-term investment, and is still being negotiated continue long-term strategic cooperation plan. But the Bank of the United States after the reduction, holdings of shares in China Construction Bank will be reduced to 1%, seems to contradict the long-held 5% CCB shares as a long-term investment plans. Strategic cooperation, Bank of America said, with the strategic assistance agreement is still valid.



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