
发布时间: 2012-03-22 13:27   来源:




Google on Monday ‘s official blog announced the site search ranking process details, and first released a series of related search algorithm of the latest improvements. The antitrust regulators are investigating Google search process may deviate from the business and operating charges.

Google will be published each year about 500 search algorithm. The most recent blog described recently conducted 10 improvements, including how to deal with web search is less common languages such as Swahili, to refining to display results and other. Previously, it has been revealed Google search algorithm to improve, but Monday’s blog is the first release of this level of a series of improved details.

Responsible for antitrust general affairs of the United States Federal Trade Commission ( FTC ), investigating allegations of Google, Google search results for these alleged existence is conducive to the company‘s own service, as well as other problems. The analyst says, accounts for 69% of the market share of the global search Google, search through the rankings, decided an enterprise ’s success



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