
发布时间: 2012-03-22 13:15   来源:






不过,根据苹果产品一直以来的定价策略,新款机型将替代上一代产品的价格,而上一代产品则会降价销售。因此,苹果iPhone 4






针对之前爆出的iPhone4S电池续航能力不佳的问题,苹果宣布已经找到了问题所在原因,并且已经有iOS 5.0.1 beta测试版推出。虽然目前仅供程序开发员下载,但据悉该版本已经解决了电池续航能力不佳的问题。

同时iOS 5.0.1测试版还解决了iCloud同步文件会消失不见的问题,并且还会为第一代iPad增加多点触控手势功能,让用户仅用不同手势就可完成操控,无需经常按Home按钮。



而来自坊间的传闻则显示,联通内部已开始部署市场销售部门做好套餐设计及物流等配套准备工作。至于价格方面,联通版iPhone 4S与过去的iPhone 4的合约价格基本一致。其中,16GB版本iPhone 4S在5880元左右,32G版本在6999元左右,需要签两年的在网协议。丰台区保洁公司

据悉,将于11月11日开售iPhone 4S的国家和地区除了香港外,还包括阿尔巴尼亚、亚美尼亚、保加利亚、萨尔瓦多、希腊、危地马拉、马耳他、黑山、新西兰、巴拿马、波兰、葡萄牙和罗马尼亚。相信随着苹果iPhone4S在以上国家和地区的发售,不仅该机的销量会再上一个台阶,而且也会带动水货市场价格的进一步走低。

Although has been out of battery and call echo problem, but Apple iPhone4S were in hot pursuit of the people, especially the Hongkong version of the impending sale is more dramatic. According to the official Apple arrangement, iPhone

4S will today ( November 4th) in Hongkong began to accept a predetermined, then in November 11th began officially on sale.

Today accept reservations

The market in Hongkong to receive the predetermined apple iPhone4S Hong Kong version will not only continue to be the last three major carriers for sale, but also have the bare metal synchronization on sale. But so far, the Hongkong media did not disclose the line version iPhone4S predetermined price.

However, according to Apple‘s products have been pricing strategy, new models will replace the previous generation products prices, and a generation of products will be on sale. Therefore, the apple iPhone 4

S Hong Kong version is expected to will replace iPhone4 is now in the Hongkong market 4688 HK dollars (about 3833 yuan or so) price, thus once again became the cheapest iPhone4S.

Carrier supply sufficient

Because every time the apple iPhone will be listed by the, and the emergence of the phenomenon of goods, so a lot of people are worried about whether it can be the first time to buy iPhone4S Hong Kong version. Although it’s not clear bare metal in terms of availability, but according to the Hongkong media reports, at least in the operator‘s signing machine supply is very adequate, no shortage situation.

Of course, the apple iPhone4S Hong Kong version of the upcoming sale will allow the machine to the mainland market version of the price is reduced substantially smuggled goods. At present, domestic businesses have been given the apple iPhone4S Hong Kong version of the purchase price of 5999 yuan, although this contains speculators composition, relative to character is not particularly cheap, but believe that will let many like the friend of machine heartbeat.

Improved battery life

According to burst out of the iPhone4S battery problems, Apple announced that it had found the problem the reason, and has iOS 5.0.1 beta beta launched. Although at present only for developers to download, but it is reported that this version has solved the problems of poor battery life.

At the same time, iOS 5.0.1 beta also solves the synchronous iCloud file will disappear, and will increase for the first generation iPad multi-touch gesture features, allow users to only use different gestures can be completed without control, often press the Home button.

The goods price exposure

And for people to care about the apple iPhone4S licensed, according to Unicom internal sources, the company got the iPhone4S tester, related business is for iPhone4S network and client adaptation work, and has been to the Department of Public Works letter submitted iPhone4S license application.

From the market rumors, display, Unicom internal began deploying marketing departments of package design and logistics and other supporting preparations. As for the price aspect, China Unicom’s iPhone 4S and iPhone over 4 of contract price basically the same. Among them, 16GB version of iPhone 4S 32G version in 5880 yuan, 6999 yuan, need to sign a two-year in network protocol.

It is reported, in November 11th will be the sale of iPhone 4S to the countries and regions in Hongkong, Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, including, Salvatore, Greece, Guatemala, Malta, Montenegro, New Zealand, Panama, Poland, Portugal and Romania. With the apple iPhone4S in countries and regions over the sale, not only the machine sales will go a step further, but also will drive the smuggled goods market prices down further.



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