
发布时间: 2010-03-04 16:31   来源:

B.    have other physical problems related to muscles

C.    can hardly be identified at the early stage of the illness

D.   may show signs of the problem when they learn to write

33.     To treat dysgraphia, the most important thing is to _______.

A.   discover the problem in children

B.    find out the cause of the problem

C.    treat these children with extra care

D.   help these children build confidence

34.     All the following methods can be used to help children with dysgraphia EXCEPT _______.

A.   allowing them to have more time to write the answers

B.    allowing them to type the answers on the computer

C.    allowing them to speak the answers to the teachers

D.   allowing other students to write the answers for them

35.     The passage is mainly written for the _______ of the children with dysgraphia.

A.   classmates

B.    teachers

C.    doctors

D.   parents

Passage Two

Inventor Dean Kamen has invented the world’s first self-balancing individual transport vehicle. It is called the Segway Human Transporter.

The Segway looks like a long stick with two wheels. The stick has handles for a person to hold. The wheels are connected by a platform. The person stands on the platform and holds the handles. The vehicle moves forward or backward when the person moves his body in that direction. The driver turns the handles to go left or right. The Segway is powered by batteries that can be re-charged. It can travel at a speed of nineteen kilometers per hour. It costs less than ten cents a day to operate.

Mr. Kamen says the Segway could replace cars in crowded city centers. It is designed to reduce pollution and solve other environmental problems in cities. However, it is not designed to travel on roads.

The Segway will be for sale to the public soon. It will cost about three-thousand dollars. Several businesses are testing the vehicle, including the Postal Service and the bookseller Amazon. Some letter carriers will try riding the vehicles to deliver the mail. Amazon workers will use them to find books in their huge storage buildings. Police in two cities also will test the vehicles to see if they can be used for law enforcement.

Some technology experts have criticized the Segway vehicle. They say it could be dangerous to ride. It does not protect the rider from bad weather. They say it holds only one person while other small vehicles can hold three people. They also say people may use the vehicle to avoid physical exercise. However, other experts say the vehicle is interesting and could be used in many ways in the future.

Questions 36 – 40: Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. A, B, C, D 选项中选择一个正确的答案写在答题卷上。

36.     How can a driver drive the Segway forward?

A.   He should press the forward button.

B.    He should move the handle forward.

C.    He should lean his body forward.

D.   He should speak out “forward”.

37.     The Segway is a vehicle _______.

A.       that is expensive to use

B.        that is environment-friendly

C.        designed for outdoor exercises

D.       powered mainly by solar energy

38.     It is implied in the passage that _______.

A.   the users are satisfied with the Segway

B.    the Segway is most suitable for the police

C.    the result of the Segway test is not yet known

D.   sale of the Segway may not be as good as expected

39.     Which of the following is NOT the criticism made on the Segway?

A.   It moves too slowly.

B.    It makes people lazy.

C.    It does not have a roof.

D.   It may not be safe.

40.     The passage is mainly written to _______.

A.   discuss how people view a new invention

B.    analyze how a new invention changes our lives

C.    show the necessity for a new invention

D.   introduce a new invention to the public

Passage Three

What is “real” football? Soccer? American football? Australian Rules? Many of course would differ on the answer to that question. Much would depend on the city you come from. In reality, the answer to the question is not so complex at all. All you have to do is to pay a visit to the town of Ashbourne in Derbyshire (England). Every Shrove Tuesday(忏悔星期二) for over a thousand years, locals – and anyone else who is crazy or drunk enough – battle out the game of “ball”.

I imagine everybody, including myself, thought that football got its name because you used your foot to move the ball. Well, I'm sorry to tell you that the great majority of people are wrong. Football is called so simply because it was a game for common people who played “on foot”. The rich, you see, when they participated in a sport, did so on horseback.

Initially, football was not played using only the feet. In the original game the rules were that there were no rules!!! In Ashbourne, it's a free-for-all where anything goes and any method can be used to gain victory. There are two teams involved: the “Uppards” (people born north of the river) and “Downards” (people born south of the river). The number of players depends on how many people turn up, but very often it is thousands against thousands. The goals are three miles apart and the idea of the game is to touch the opposing goal three times. The game still played today begins at two o'clock in the afternoon and finishes, if neither team has managed to score the three "goals", at ten o'clock in the evening.

Questions 41 – 45: Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. A, B, C, D 选项中选择一个正确的答案写在答题卷上。

41.     The answer to the question “What is ‘real’ football?” is closely related to the speaker’s _______.

A.   gender

B.    nationality

C.    age

D.   occupation

42.     Football got its name from a ball game played by _______.

A.   all people using the foot

B.    rich people on the horseback

C.    ordinary people on the ground

D.   the rich against the common people

43.     At the beginning the rules for the football games were that _______.

A.   only the feet could be used

B.    only the feet and the head could be used

C.    every part of the body could be used except the hand

D.   every part of the body could be used

44.     “Anything goes” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_______”.

A.   anything can be gained

B.    anything can be discussed

C.    anything can be accepted

D.   anything can be lost

45.     The last paragraph is focused on _______.

A.   the rules of the football game played in Ashbourne

B.    the popularity of the football game in Ashbourne

C.    the team spirit as shown in the football game in Ashbourne

D.   the difference between the football game and the one in Ashbourne

Passage Four

One day about eight years ago in the departure lounge of LaGuardia airport, I spotted a young boy in tears and his mother at his side also appeared upset. As it turned out, the flight was full, and they couldn't sit together. Those were the days when the first-class cabins were not always full, so I seated mother and son up in first class.

I soon found out that the boy Miles and his mom were returning to their home in Kansas City. Miles is a surviving twin (his brother died at birth) and has had serious health problems. In spite of his thirty-one major surgical procedures, his recovery was still in doubt.

Miles enjoyed his flights through LaGuardia as it allowed him to spend time in our VIP lounge. There we have an entire wall filled with autographed pictures of many celebrities, including Miles’s hero – country singer Garth Brooks. We soon added Miles’s picture to the wall of fame.

One day, Mr. Brooks was relaxing in the lounge and he was impressed by the youngster with the big sad eyes. We told him about Miles and how much Miles admired him. Mr. Brooks took out his guitar and penned a few words of encouragement inside the guitar case. He asked us to deliver the guitar and his cowboy hat to Miles. It was like the gift of life.

Miles would have to go through many more treatments, but his broad smile greeted us with every visit. We were glad to see the face of an ailing boy transformed by the joy of a stranger with a guitar.

Questions 46 – 50: Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D. Write your answers on the Answer Sheet. A, B, C, D 选项中选择一个正确的答案写在答题卷上。

46.     In the departure lounge of the airport, the boy and his mother were sad because _______.

A.   there were not enough seats left on the plane

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