
发布时间: 2010-03-22 16:11   来源: 北外网院


















Never did I expect humor could be so useful until something happened to me last summer. My auto-cycle slightly crashed into a taxi by accident. The taxi driver got off and showed me a funny note hanged on the back window saying, "Don't kiss me." And then a likely quarrel disappeared.

--Selected from We Need Humor


I have tried many methods that are described in Guide to Success 2. Long before, I found many radio channels online such as CRI (China Radio International), BBC, CNN, and collected the websites as my bookmarks so that I could listen to the radio when I was online. In addition, I persisted in listening to tapes everyday for half an hour before I went to sleep. Listening to tapes is not required in my assignment; however, it's a good way to improve my listening comprehension. About one year later since then, I created my personal website and tried my best to write diaries in English online everyday. Now I have made great progress in writing and begun to love writing in English more than in Chinese.


I believe there are still many new methods I have never heard of or used before, especially  those ways to improve speaking skills. As for me, the most illuminating way is to talk to oneself in the mirror; few people can come up with such a method, you know. I ever tried this method several days ago; it’s fun and it really works. It’s still a bit of difficulty for me to “change” naturally between the real me and the other me in the mirror.


Reading is one of my weakest areas in English studying. Fortunately, I have found many good tips on how to read more effectively and I will practice those ways in my learning courses.

--Selected from What I got from Guide to Success 2



院长信箱: yzxx@beiwaionline.com      合作信箱: hezuo@beiwaionline.com

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