
发布时间: 2010-12-08 13:15   来源: 北外网院


层   次:2004秋高起本 



As a monitor, first, I played a leader role to encourage every classmate to have every class. I actively have taken part in every class. I always do full preparation. I write down the questions which I cannot understand during learning. I always finish learning units which will be lectured at coming tutorial. When the classmates see I always have questions, they are encouraged and simulate me to do learning. I exchange my learning method with them. Gradually, the atmosphere in class becomes active. Because every body can do pre-learning and bring the questions to the tutorial, the discussion always is heat. We always can learn more from disussions.
Second, I always remind the classmates to take part in the tutorial. Sometimes some don't want to go because some excuse like I am tired, I worked too late yesterday. But I encourage them to go to class. I tell them you should miss some important lecturing if you don't go to class. I call them to confirm they can finish the assignments on time.
Third, I often organize some activities or party to exchange learning method and experience of learning. On one hand, those activities can encourage any people keep learning enthusiastically. On the other hand, we can enhance the friendship each other.
Finally, I actually play a leading role. I have passed every class at one time. 



院长信箱: yzxx@beiwaionline.com      合作信箱: hezuo@beiwaionline.com

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