Beyond My Dreams, Within My Reach

  作者: 张彬   2010-07-13 16:51  字体:

I have been much of a dreamer for the English world since the first time I know such a language with beautiful pronunciation and marvelous ways to express ideas. But it was a time of mathematics, physics and chemistry, English was not that popular and at that time I did not have many chances and ways to learn English as people do now such as reading English books, watching English movies, or entering spare time English classes. So, my dream was still a dream, deeply hidden in my heart.



The advent of the information age changed people抯 thoughts. 揈nglish craze? could be seen everywhere. It seemed easier to realize my dream then. But no. I had a job, and I just kept moving from one place to another even sometimes going abroad. I did not have regular days off like weekends or festival holidays, and I even did not have a regular work and rest schedule. To make things worse, I rarely had a chance to stop to take a look because of the pressure and competition from work, not to mention learn English. Even when I had some time, I was not in the mood to read any English books, and it was hard without anyone to give directions. Would my dream thus end? I was not willing to stop. But, what could I do?  


I nearly gave up when the other day, I happened to hear my colleagues talking about shopping on internet. An idea sparked to me. Why shouldn抰 I learn English on the internet? What a great idea! It means I can learn English whenever I have time even at midnight, or wherever I go. Then, after the excitement, another question came------among so many online schools, which is the best one? Which one should I choose?



I was a little bit annoyed after days of consulting and contrasting. It抯 really not easy to make a decision, especially when cheating might be everywhere on the internet nowadays. But the time I saw the name 揃eiwai Online?, I immediately said to myself: That抯 it. I could never be wrong to choose it. 揃eiwai Online?, I read the name several times, and made sure that抯 the place where my dream could be realized. It proved afterwards that I was right.



Any one, at any time, or at any place, by any mode, can find any need be satisfied here, at Beiwai Online. Its learner-constructed modular educational system allows people at different English level to go on their study. You can communicate with teachers online or ask questions face to face on personal classes arranged. If you just miss the personal classes, it抯 ok, because you can still find VOB programs online. As to the teachers, there is nothing to worry about. They are all experienced, qualified, conscientious and patient. The homework handed in will be returned with detailed annotations and comments. It抯 almost impossible not to make any progress with their directions.


  It has been almost a year since I began to learn English at Beiwai Online. The time I strive without cease, I also get paid, not only the knowledge I learned, but also friendship------friendship with classmates discussing homework at midnight on line, and experience------sweet memories which will company me the rest of my life. What gains with no pains!


The tenth birthday of Beiwai Online is coming, the more beautiful future is on the way. No words can exactly express my thankfulness. That抯 the only thing I want to say as a birthday gift--I抣l be together with you and I love you!



  • 主题 1:美丽e点,精彩十年
  • 讴歌北外网院成立十周年庆典
  • 作为北外网院学子在学习的三到五年内切身感受到的北外网院的变化和发展
  • Beyond My Dreams, Within My Reach
  • 我的学习我做主,超越梦想尽在掌握
  • 讲述我的英语学习梦和圆梦的历程
  • 主题 3:信息社会,如何更好的学习英语
  • 信息社会,如何通过分享信息资源形成更有效的英语学习方法。
  • 怎样更好的在英语网络教育中畅行学习经验共分享
  • 主题 4:英语通,行天下
  • 英语网络教育是如何深入您的生活和学习中,给您带来握中

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