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Lifelong Learning

It is not easy to form a good habit in one's life, and it will benefit the whole life if we stick to the good habit. As the Analects says, "Isn't it a pleasure to learn and apply from time to time what one has learned?" This saying always urges us to strengthen our study consciously and continuously in our daily life, so that we can develop the good habit of constant learning and thinking.

Professor Xu Yingqing, Director of the Future Laboratory and Lifelong Learning Laboratory of Tsinghua University, introduced the training needs, ideas and expectations of future talents. He believes that we should stimulate students' original internal driving force through persistent enthusiasm, use interdisciplinary content and scientific learning methods, realize cognitive development through dynamic learning mode, lead learners to the goal of future talents, and make lifelong education a life style.

Limited by the objective conditions, everyone's contact with the objective world is limited, and the access to information is relatively narrow. As far as I am concerned, I am so proud to be a student at Beiwai Online. I enjoy the learning process at Beiwai Online because it has become one of the leaders of modern distant education in China with rich educational resources, advanced technology and simultaneous development of teaching and research. It is also one of the advocates of lifelong education. There are a lot of wonderful and interesting courses as well as useful and beneficial resources on Beiwai Online teaching and learning platform. I can also receive news and notices on time from Beiwai Online APP so that I will never miss any important information. The most exciting and encouraging moment is the VOB Cloud Classroom. I can interact with my teachers and classmates online and can complete the learning task even without temporal and spatical limitations. If you are not able to attend the live cloud classroom on time, you still have an opportunity to click the VOB playback program afterwards. In that case, you will never miss any courses that you are interested in. As a distant education student, I always feel grateful to Beiwai Online. I feel a strong sense of belonging and happiness with my teachers and classmates there. The prominent characteristic of distant education is that students become explorers of knowledge.

Thanks to the Virtual Laboratories,which provide technological supports for students. Students could obtain the same courses and equal quality as the full-time students within campus.The rapid development of computer technology and network opens up the way to distant education, which provides a better environment for the students to study and test themselves at any time and in any, places helps teachers to get the feedbacks from the learners in time. The outcomes of the end-of-course examination indicate that web-based collaborative learning activities are in line with the inherent features and characteristics of distant education, and are also highly appreciated by students, which in reture lead- to satisfactory learning outcomes. This also satisfies students' needs of belongingness and identification at Beiwai Online.

Behind the courses which are of high quality is the hard work of a group of Beiwai Online teachers. In order to present a wonderful online lesson to students, teachers often prepare lessons together until the early morning and polish the teaching content over and over again. Teachers have prepared teaching plans in advance to enrich students' online learning experience in the form of live teaching, watching recorded and broadcast videos, learning and sharing video classes, and online discussion and interaction. Due to the COVID-19, we have many special moments this year in our learning life. such as the New Semester Opening Ceremony, the Graduation Ceremony, the Oral English Speech Contest and many other educational activities were hold online. I watched the live broadcast with my mobile phone, followed the teacher's operation with the computer, and I could ask and answer questions through the barrage when I had any questions. I really had no time to be distracted. I always enjoy every moment in the learning activities.

The epidemic is a test of teachers' online teaching and students' online learning. Although we are in the "cloud classroom", Beiwai Online is always concerned about the health and growth of students, and has also strengthened the determination to build a good "Beiwai Online" to truly awaken students' learning methods. The year of 2020 is really a special year, it is also the 20th anniversary and birthday of Beiwai Online, Beiwai Online has been adhering to the college running tenet of "cultivating people by virtue", implementing the college running concept of "resources, service, process, monitoring and quality" to provide "whole person" education for students.

Today more and more people advocate lifelong learning. But people have different views about lifelong learning. In my opinion, lifelong learning is the concept that it’s never too late to learn. It’s about your attitude towards learning. One should be open to new ideas: decisions, skills, or behaviors. Then the axiom “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” doesn’t work any longer. Lifelong learning is about finding learning opportunities at all ages and in numerous contexts: at work, at home and through leisure activities. It is not limited to higher education. When I retire in the future, I will also participate in programs to keep me mentally active. To keep up with the changing world, one must be involved in lifelong learning and be ready to accept new things. Engaged in international business trade, I’ve recently been teaching myself German to develop my career because I want to have better communication with clients or friends in Germany. As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of food. Likewise, we should keep learning daily to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual capacity. Constant learning supplies us with inexhaustible fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning analysis and judgement. Continuous learning is the best way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and reliable warranty of success in times of uncertainty. With the world changing so fast, to cease learning for just a few days will make a person lag behind. Therefore, to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong career.

One is never too old to learn. Let’s insist on learning and be a firm lifelong learner. Tomorrow we continue to work hard, to be persistent in life and to learn more, and we will certainly be able to realize our Chinese dream and the great rejuvenation of China.





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