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What Beiwaionline has done for me

I will always remember the day when I first came to Beijing Foreign Studies University. It was really sunny, and I felt very happy and excited, because I finally had the opportunity to study in a university. I already knew that the Institute of Online Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University was truly outstanding. I trust her!

First of all, I want to say that Beiwaionline changed my attitude to study. In fact, my major is international economics and trade at Beiwaionline, so, I am interested in financial courses. Last year, I studied videos of accounting with our education system. I learned accounting by myself in about two months during my leisure time. I then took and passed the accounting qualification certificate test.   Thanks to our university’s professors and professional course video productions, they helped me improve my technical skills! Thanks very much!

In addition, it was very meaningful for us tojoin in the two-day summer camp in 2013, as I not only made friends with some excellent schoolmates, but also broadened the field of my vision about studies and enterprise. Our English teacher Mr. Lee’s lecture (李晨老师) of English learning was full of enthusiasm and especially valuable to me. Although I am not the English major candidate, I still decided to come to BFSU to learn business English. I realized that I really needed a practical certificate of foreign language. As a result, I enrolled myself in the BEC training course.. After that, I took part in the examinations of BEC-VH this month. I am looking forward to the results. I hope I can achieve my goals!

At the same time, I found a part-time job of international trade in Beijing.where I often read and write the documents in English.Thanks to BEC training, , I expanded my knowledge of international business, and I gained many precious learning methods as well.

Everyone has his dreams and ambitions, and I am no exception. Tim-Howard said “it’s not about making the amazing saves; it’s the little things and small things that made great gatekeepers great.” I will continue to strive to make my dreams come true! I must treasure the chance that I study at Beiwaionline.

 Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen. Let me study and cherish!


北京总部学习中心 陈苗苗




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