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Online learning journey

One year ago , I chose to attend Beiwaionline . At first , I just wanted to get further degree in order to gain a good job . Later , in free time , I tried to study online curiously. When I opened the webpage of the Beiwaionline , I suddenly found it was a good platform . There are all kinds of items , which are all good for s learning, especially English forum and VOB . Suddenly , I felt back to the college . With this feeling , I loved to study and communicate with other students in English .

   Now , It will be one year since I studied online . It brings me a lot . Firstly , I have changed my mind and is willing to study English well . Secondly , I am never shy to speak English. On the contrary , I love to search for someone on forum to be my partner in order to communicate in English and improve my oral English . What is more , the online study has widened my vision, enabling me to know more different cultures . Last but not least , I have made many friends who come from different places . We talk to each other about study or private things .The most important is , we can make progress together .

   One year ago, I was hesitating whether I would come to Beiwaionlin and now I have deeply loved it . There is no more excuse for me not to study . As a proverb says ‘ It is never too old to learn ‘ . As studying online will not influence our life and work , I will never give up and will  insist .

   Studying at  Beiwaionline college is not only a challenge but also a valuable experience for me .


西安电子科技大学学习中心 孟艳萍




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