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We have to kill two birds with one stone

We have already studied English for nearly a year and I have a question for you :  how well do you think you learn English?   
        During the year, do you practice speaking English every day? Do you participate in the English lesson every time and do you listen to the VOB programes every time? No, we don’t. I betcha no one can do so. The reason may be that our work keeps us as busy as a bee all the time; Our kids need us to look after all the time and we have to do housework all the time.
       If we spend our whole time on English learning, who will earn money to support our family? Who will look after our children? And who will cook dinner and do the housework? So I want to tell you a fact that we can be crazy about English , we can study hard every day and we can speak English as much as we can, but we can't ignore our work ,our children and our family, as they are all parts of our life., If we lose any part, we will be affected by the lost part.
     My own experience would confirm my opinion. In the winter last year, which was our first term, I nearly dropped out because  I thought nothing was more important for me than English learning and English was my life. At first, my husband bore me and did everything instead of me, but a few weeks later, he began to complain about  everything: our daughter too naughty, his work so tiring, our house so untidy and so much housework and so on. However, I still went in for my English learning and didn’t realize  the serious problem that I had met.
        One day, when I was studying Liyang Crazy English, my husband suddenly turned off my computer and said to me seriously that I must give up English learning or he would divorce me. My mind blanked out completely and tears were pouring from my eyes. I was so shocked that I couldn't say a word at all. It was up to  one minute I asked him the reason. He told me it was because I didn't love our daughter and him any more, for me English was my life .. At present, I still remember those words that my husband said and I will never forget about them . The reason is that his words always remind me that I am not only myself.Instead, I am a mother as well as a wife. I can learn Engliish only after I have already done the housework and have already sent my daughter into the nice dream.
       Finally, my storm passed, my springtime came and my problem was solved, because I have been aware  that I can't never be the master of spoken English in a day, Rome wasn't built in a day. From now on, I learn a little more English every day and keep on.
       We have to accept the fact that we are adults. No matter whatever we decide to do, we must consider our family, although the learning is important and we want out dream to come true, our family is as important as our learning. We must kill two birds with one stone, or we will be in trouble.


北京总部学习中心 宋窍红




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