
发布时间: 2010-03-04 17:05   来源:


42. What does the phrase " be here to stay" probably mean in paragraph 2?

A. will be difficult

B. will be good

C. will wait

D. will remain


43. In what way does talking about British and American English simplify the issue?

A. Many local dialects are spoken in different parts of the British Isles.

B. American English is not spoken by the majority of Americans.

C. In areas of America, people speak dialects not understood by others.

D. All of the above.


44. Standard American English is spoken by _______.

A. all Presidents and Congressmen

B. all Presidents and entertainers

C. political spokesmen and women

D. some classes of American society


45. One of the major reasons for English remaining a commonly used world language is that _______.

A. it is widely used in Africa and Asia

B. dialects of English are old fashioned

C. English is a means of modern world communication

D. English speakers need to use it

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