My Pain, My Gain--Scheduling of 2006 BeiwaiOnline Prize-Awarding Ceremony andEnglish Camp
2006-06-14 19:30
July 14th,Fri.08:30-09:20My Pain, My Gain--Opening Ceremony of the Fourth English Camp and Prize Awarding of Topstudents
09:30-10:20【Topic】Encounter of Two Systems
【Presenter】Ms.Wang Tong
10:30-12:00【Topic】Study Strategies in English Listening and Speaking
【Presenter】Ms.Xiang Shu
13:50-15:30Discussions on Learner Support of BOWL in Groups
15:40-16:40【Topic】One World,Different Englishes
【Presenter】Mr.Wu Ligao
17:00-17:45Shared in Groups:What I Learned Today?
20:00-22:00VOB Camp Special
July 15th,Sat.08:30-09:50【Topic】Study Strategies in English Writing
【Presenter】Ms. Jia Lin
09:50-10:20Shared in Groups:What I Learned Today?
10:30-12:00 【Topic】English Learning in American Culture
【Presenter】Mr. Teng Jimeng
13:50-15:50Talks between the Topstudents
16:00-17:00Shows in Groups:Telling Stories of My Pain and My Gain
July 16th,Sun.08:00-09:20Groups Presentation :Sharing and Showing Stories of My Pain and My Gain by Representative of Each Group
09:30-12:00My Pain, My Gain--Closing Ceremony of the Fourth English Camp and Prize Awarding of Shortplays
Annotation:If any changes, please following the announcement of the committee .
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