2006-06-14 17:09
腾继萌老师,北京外国语大学英语学院副教授,北京外国语大学美国学研究中心成员,美国学硕士,耶鲁大学、纽约大学富布莱特访问学者,主要研究美国历史和社会文化。著有《Music-Made America: Popular Music since 1960's》一书。
Prof. Jia Lin, is from the beautiful country of Canada. After finishing her postgraduate program in the Education specialty, she has devoted herself to the English education field. With persistence, hard-work and good computer skills, she has become an expert in the on-line and off-line English training program. Fascinated by Chinese culture and familiar with Chinese language, she decided to stay in China and dedicate herself to English Education. She has taught English majors in the Beijing Language and Culture University for several years, and now we are fortunate to have her join us here in the English camp. At present, Jia Lin is mainly responsible for the "Listening and Speaking" program in VOB, Practical Project Design, thesis writing, creating a new business writing course for the Blended Training department and other English related courses. In the past, Jia Lin has impressed us with her enthusiasm and interactive teaching style. She has consistently applied communicative teaching methodology in her teaching in harmony with Beiwai Online's efforts to make English learning enjoyable and achievable for a wide variety of local learners.
吴立高老师,英语副教授,北外网院课程主讲教师,主讲《变化中的英语》、《当代大学英语》等课程,并主持网上VOB“听说步步高”节目。从事网院工作多年,参与了网院教材《当代大学英语 综合英语》、《当代大学英语 听说交互》学生学习课本的编写工作。发表网络教育方面的论文数篇。
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