
发布时间: 2005-01-11 10:30    来源:
英国谢菲尔德大学知名教授作客北外 2005年1月7日下午14:30-16:00,在北外东院逸夫楼403,Domnic Shellard教授带给我们一场关于英国政坛的生动讲座. 讲座主题: British Political Scene 主讲人: Prof. Dominic Shellard 收看VOC回放请先下载Interwise参加者程序,下载请点击这里 Part 1: The Political Process 00:20:26 Part 2: The 3 Main Parties 00:27:04 Part 3: Latest Opinion Poll 00:06:35 Part 4: Challenges for Politicians and questions 00:56:10 Professor Dominic Shellard Education ² Oxford University MA (1989) ² Oxford University DPhil - ‘The Theatre Criticism of Harold Hobson’ (1992) Position ² Head of the School of English, University of Sheffield (1100 students) ² Head of the Department of English Literature, University of Sheffield (800 students out of the 1100) ² Labour Councillor for Boston Ward, Rotherham, 1999-2003 Projects Project Leader, AHRB British Library/University of Sheffield Theatre Archives Project (2003-8) Publications ² William Shakespeare (British Library, 1998) ² British Theatre Since the War (Yale, 1999) ² British Theatre in the 1950s (SAP, 2000) ² Kenneth Tynan: A Life (Yale, 2003) ² An Economic Impact Study of UK Theatre (Arts Council England, 2004)



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