
发布时间: 2007-08-13 16:06   来源:
  2007年7月6日(周五)上午,在北京外国语大学、英国诺丁汉大学与U21高教在线在北京香格里拉饭店联合举办的战略合作发布会,我校网络教育学院的优秀毕生汪勇获得中国大陆首个U21高教在线MBA全额奖学金。   北京外国语大学是教育部直属的全国重点高等院校,也是我国首批硕士、博士学位授予单位,在我国外语院校中是历史最悠久、涉及语种最为广泛的高等院校,为国家培养了数以万计优秀外语的人才。北京外国语大学校长郝平教授说 “网上学习(e-learning)不同于网络教育(e-education)。网上学习是一种行为,而网络教育是一个系统工程。网络教育是基于资源的教育,然而有资源没有服务是不行的,而离开过程谈服务是没有意义的;对过程中的服务进行监控是质量的源泉。我们选择与U21高教在线合作正是看重其国际化的教育资源和其对教学质量的严格把关,我们将携手为北京2008奥运会提供优质的服务。”   英国诺丁汉大学Nottingham University是英国名列前茅的大学之一,始建于1881年。该校的经济学院在水平评估中得分为5*,在教学质量评估中也得到了最高分24分,其出色的教学质量赢得了国际声誉。诺丁汉大学是Universitas 21的创建成员之一。2001年,该校荣获国际贸易最佳企业女王奖,这标志着大学力争成为国际性院校的宏伟志向,赢得了皇家的认可 。   U21高教在线是由Universitas 21 (多所国际研究大学组成的网络教育联盟)设立的研究生商学院,在网络教育方面有着丰富的经验。其创办宗旨是籍互联网为全球学生提供专业教育,以培养出未来全球经济领域的领袖。U21高教在线的课程,获得了欧洲管理发展联盟(EFMD)的认证。U21高教在线的联盟大学覆盖欧洲、北美、亚太地区、澳大利亚和新西兰,其中包括中国的复旦大学、上海交通大学、香港大学。它汇集了全球联盟大学的力量,分别编写出最精最新的在线教材,由不同大学的教授亲自授课,将各成员大学优质的教学资源与互联网的创新模式结合起来,使学生可以足不出户地享受到世界优秀教育资源。“我们非常荣幸借此机会与北京外国语大学及诺丁汉大学合作,为中国的高等教育和管理类教育提供一种全新模式。此次的战略合作不但使我们的课程得以更好地融入本地市场,更有利于加快中国素质教育的进程,并为奥运会的举办做好铺垫工作。”U21高教在线首席执行官Mukesh Aghi博士表示,“U21高教在线研究生课程的好处之一是工作学习两不误。由于我们的课程是利用互联网来教授课程,分享内容并进行讨论,如此一来,学习可以变得积极主动、有的放矢、并直接作用于学生。此外,学生在我校进行学习的效果也可立竿见影。” 在本次发布会上,上述机构首次在中国大陆面向企业高级管理人员推出了以下专业的在线研究生教育项目:工商管理(MBA)、信息管理(MMIT)、旅游管理(MTTM)、国际商业管理(MMIB)。此次合作将为广大的中国学生提供优质教育资源与服务。   为了鼓励广大学员的学习热情,本次发布会上还宣布了两名全额奖学金名单,其中,获得诺丁汉大学与U21高教在线旅游管理硕士全额奖学金的是中国国际旅行社,这份全额奖学金颁发给了中国国际旅行社总裁姚越灿。另一名获得MBA全额奖学金的是我校网络教育学院的优秀毕生汪勇。   汪勇同学是我们北外网院的优秀毕业生,此次作为中国大陆地区首个获得U21高教在线颁发的MBA全额奖学金的人,可喜可贺!同时也证明我们北外网院的毕业生是非常优秀,非常有实力。 汪勇同学在接受奖学金时说:“我非常幸运成为北外网院的第一批学员, 但更重要的是我深刻体会到北外网院的全人教育理念的伟大. 在我和北外网院的日日夜夜里,逐步养成了独立思考能力,自我约束和管理能力,团队协作能力以及处理和平衡学习和工作生活的关系能力等等,这些是我一身的宝贵经历,也为我继续攻读U21在线MBA打下了良好的基础.”   “我相信接受教育不仅仅是年轻人的专利,每个人都应该有终身学习的理念.全球化的变革给我们带来了从来没有的机遇和挑战: 我们获得更多的来自世界各地资讯,会面到更多来自世界各地的朋友,教育也由此变得更广泛,更国际化. U21 GOLBAL 正是站在这国际视野推广目前的硕士在线课程的,她的最大亮点和优势是给学生提供了一个国际大舞台,你可以通过它和世界各地的学生进行学习交流,了解不同国家的文化和.教育等等,”“ 选择U21在线的主要原因是它整合了多所大学的教育资源,始终提供给学生全球化的知识, 这和传统的教育是截然不同的,因为传统的大学和学院有时候往往各自独立, 互相看做竞争对手而不是合作.在线学习突破了传统的教室,校园,国家让世界各地的学生”走”到一起.只要你能上网,你就能”上课”, 这对在职人员实在是太合适不过了”。 Wang Yong’s speech on winning U21 MBA Scholarship Honorable Professor Hao Ping , Professor Sir Colin Campbell and Dr. Aghi, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good morning, It’s a great honor for me to be here , as a BWOL alumni ,receiving such a distinguished scholarship of U21MBA program, which largely attributes to my successful on –line distant learning experience in BWOL institute in the past 5 years and BWOL’s recommendation for which I feel very grateful . I was lucky to join in BWOL Institute Learning program in Oct 2001 when she was born , during the 5 year learning course I benefit very much from her whole person education by learning independently as well as collaboratively; practicing self-discipline, self –management and self monitoring, carrying out resource-seeking and resource-selecting; solving the conflict between study and other commitments and so on and am fortune again to be the first group of student of U21 Global MBA on behalf of BWOL alumni to continue my further master degree education, I must say I am fortune as a good example of on –liner learning practice against BWOL whole person education, which I will take it in my whole life. I believe education is a lifelong process, not just for young people To me globalization means we live in the world where access to knowledge is greater than ever before more people than ever before, it means that education assumes a broader, more global one, that must be international in its vision, U21 Global is providing such a platform through which we will meet people from other countries, participate in the cyber activities and be exposed to a vast number of cultures which will improve interpersonal skills and our confidence to deal with a variety of different people and cultures. The world is changing, and we should change our thinking and actions along with it. In the past decades it was an accepted practice to have a institutions and organization operate separately and in isolation of one another, Schools and universities saw themselves more as competitions rather than partners in the teaching and learning process and never would you expect a university to join forces with a commercial business, while MBA course learning highly demands the integration of Universal management valuable experience which cannot be achieved simply by applying traditional classroom methods with which we are all comfortable ,No institution or university has the resources to fully provide such universal education though the traditional methods of buildings and classrooms where the students must come to the faculty at a specific place and at a specific time. To achieve this it will be essential to apply technology appropriately to extend the reach of the educational institute and their respective faculties expect technology to be used to increase the quality of learning, extend the reach of the faculty and to greatly increase the students access to education In well-thought –out on -line learning systems, students learn how to participate successfully in teams, when students interact in teams they learn to listen attentively with an open mind and treat each other’s ideas with respect, They also develop the capability of critical thinking and gain the strength and lack of fear to express their own opinions forcefully and succinctly. Furthermore, Connecting international team members through technology helps width countries to be able to retain some countries best human resources. With the formation of international teams and being I think U21 Global has covered above functions and elements and in my eyes, it’s the second to none on-line learning institute to improve your further education and career development for those high flier especially in service people I would like to take this good opportunity to thank you again, BWOL institute, my good tutor Ms Wang Tong, Supportive faculty, U21 Global and my Company, Furerst Day Lawson Ltd and my Family, without your support , I could not be standing here receiving such a great honor. By quoting U21 mission to end my today speech: we aim to set the benchmark for on-line education, Through our unique pedagogy, you will gain skill and knowledge that set you apart from others in the new, global economy. Your experience as a student with U21 Global will be something you will cherish your whole life. Thank you!



院长信箱: yzxx@beiwaionline.com      合作信箱: hezuo@beiwaionline.com

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