
发布时间: 2008-07-11 17:27   来源:
编者寄语:傅琳娜同学是厦门学习中心07春专升本班长,曾于08年初获得北外网院优秀班长荣誉称号,现任最有活力的学习小组之一的“星组”版主。每周五主持一档口语节目。她目前从事外贸工作,业务繁忙,但很好地处理好了工作与学习的关系,已通过课程平均超过90分。她以自己极大的学习热情感染着更多英语爱好者加入到北外网院大家庭中。以下是她在7月6日厦门新生座谈会上的发言提纲,期望对新生今后的学习有一些启发。 Good evening, everyone. First of all, I would like to say Thanks for Mr. Li giving me this chance to communicate with you tonight, and I am so happy to meet Teacher Yan, who is from headquater of BeiwaiOnline in Beijing. OK, let me make a brief self-introduction. I’m Linna Fu, and I joined in BeiwaiOnline in the spring of 2007, so this is my second semester. Today, I’m going to share my own experience of online learning with you. In my opinion, the following four aspects are very important: Firstly, passion! (要有持续的激情) All of us know that learning a language needs passion, no matter you choose English or any other languages. Online learning is quite different from face-to- face learning. Once you have decided, you must persist, never thinking to give up in the half way. Secondly, study plan! (制定明确的学习计划) As we are long-distance learners and also part-time learners, we have to work in daily time, and some of us have to take care of our parents, children, husband and so on. We will have to squeeze time to study. So, it is very important to make a study plan according to your real situation, and we should follow it day by day, which we call self-manaement. Next, group learning! (小组学习很重要) Online learning is not lonely, because we could find a goup to study together. BeiwaiOnline supplies a platform for communication. There are many study groups holding different programs such as Step by Step, Star Group and so on. These programs could help us practise our oral English. I strongly recommend you to attend as many programs as possible. Last but not least, since I am the monitor of our class, I want to give some advice to the future monitors(班长要起带头作用). Please try to be active, set up a QQ group to seize every chance to chat with your classmates, and take care of each member of your class. When our classmates meet any questions during learning, we should try our best to help them solve the problems. And in order to know each other better, please manage to create chances for getting together Finally, welcome all of you to join in BeiwaiOnline. I trust you will have a pleasant journey through online learning. Thank you!



院长信箱: yzxx@beiwaionline.com      合作信箱: hezuo@beiwaionline.com

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