消息称苹果明年推新电视 夏普提供显示屏

发布时间: 2012-03-21 10:39   来源:

消息称苹果明年推新电视 夏普提供显示屏

消息称苹果明年推新电视 夏普提供显示屏
Jefferies分析师米斯克(Peter Misek)认为,苹果之所以将业务转给日本夏普,主要是因为三星电子在智能手机、平板上成为对手,导致费用上升。米斯克在报告中说,自己到访日本,与制造业高管会谈,从而获知上述消息。西城区保洁公司
Beijing on November 23rd news, investment bank Jefferies said today, Apple has put part of the iPhone and iPad display production to Japan‘s sharp, it may be the earliest in 2012 launched a new television equipment.
Jefferies analyst John G ( Peter Misek ) think, Apple will have sharp business to Japan, mainly because of Samsung Electronics in intelligent mobile phone, flat to become rivals, leading to increased costs. Meese g says in the report, he visited Japan, and manufacturing executive meeting, thus learned the news.
Meese said:“ for the sharp it is a big business, because it invested heavily in expanding capacity and upgrade the factory. Apple has a new partner, can let oneself control manufacturing, low price guarantee supply.”
Meese g said, TV manufacturers want to figure out the Apple TV ’s true face, including samsung. Apple will be in sharp Sakai factory production, the factory mainly produces an improved version of the FTF display products, Apple could be launched in February next year commercial television, which is also called the iTV.
He also said in the report, TV manufacturer, competition may be at least behind 6-12 months, because they lack software, cloud computing experience to competing.
Meese g said, apple purchased about US $5-10 manufacturing equipment, exclusive offers sharp plant, used in the production of iPhone and iPad display. Apple with Samsung‘s relationship continues to deteriorate. Apple except in the screen no longer rely on Samsung, diversified, it will also have some flash orders to toshiba.



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