
发布时间: 2012-03-21 10:40   来源:


11月22日,美国国际贸易委员会(简称ITC)裁定,苹果公司的产品并未侵犯S3 Graphics(简称S3)所持有的专利,并宣布相关调查由此结束。
今年7月4日,ITC在初裁中认定苹果Mac OS X系统侵犯了芯片厂商S3 Graphics专利权,而iPhone、iPod Touch和iPad未有侵权行为。
据悉,HTC在与苹果的专利战中已经不是首次败阵。今年7月,ITC初步裁决HTC侵犯苹果两项专利。为了增加与苹果专利战的筹码,HTC在7月7日宣布以3亿美元从威盛手中收购S3 Graphics,但现在看来这3亿美元收购没有达到奇效。


11月22日,美国国际贸易委员会(简称ITC)裁定,苹果公司的产品并未侵犯S3 Graphics(简称S3)所持有的专利,并宣布相关调查由此结束。
今年7月4日,ITC在初裁中认定苹果Mac OS X系统侵犯了芯片厂商S3 Graphics专利权,而iPhone、iPod Touch和iPad未有侵权行为。西城区保洁公司
据悉,HTC在与苹果的专利战中已经不是首次败阵。今年7月,ITC初步裁决HTC侵犯苹果两项专利。为了增加与苹果专利战的筹码,HTC在7月7日宣布以3亿美元从威盛手中收购S3 Graphics,但现在看来这3亿美元收购没有达到奇效。
With Apple‘s patent wars again suffocate suffocate, fourth quarter performance is expected to face suddenly 。.. 。.. HTC shares encounters heavy bad. At the same time, in the world’s largest mobile phone consumer market -- the Chinese market, smuggled goods flooding reality also let HTC have little trouble. Industry that, in a period of rapid development of HTC is facing multiple challenges.
Patent war predicament: $300000000 merger showed no effect
In November 22nd, the United States International Trade Commission (ITC ) ruled, Apple‘s products did not infringe upon the S3 Graphics (S3 ) holds the patent, and announced the end of investigation.
In July 4th, ITC in Mac OS X in the preliminary identification of Apple system violated the chip maker S3 Graphics patent rights, and iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad no infringement.
It is reported, HTC and Apple’s patent war is not the first defeat. In July of this year, ITC preliminary ruling HTC violated Apple two patents. In order to increase with Apple patent battle chips, HTC announced in July 7th for $300000000 from S3 Graphics via the takeover, but now it seems that 300000000 dollar buys not reached.
Results in the face: the four quarter revenue or zero growth
In a series of patent litigation after the defeat, HTC ‘s performance and stock price encounters serious challenges. Late on November 23rd, HTC issued a statement saying, because the global poor economic environment and market competition, lowered this year fourth quarter revenue expected to“ with the same period last year level, namely” year zero growth, and prior to October 31st, HTC had expected the fourth quarter revenue grew 20% to 30%.
Continuously bad makes HTC experienced price drops considerably, successive record low since last July, this year compared to the historic highs in April, a decline of more than 50%. Citigroup will its rating from “hold ” down to “sell”, Barclays Capital from the “overweight ” down to “hold wait-and-see”.

With Apple‘s patent wars again suffocate suffocate, fourth quarter performance is expected to face suddenly 。.. 。.. HTC shares encounters heavy bad. At the same time, in the world’s largest mobile phone consumer market -- the Chinese market, smuggled goods flooding reality also let HTC have little trouble. Industry that, in a period of rapid development of HTC is facing multiple challenges.
Patent war predicament: $300000000 merger showed no effect
In November 22nd, the United States International Trade Commission (ITC ) ruled, Apple‘s products did not infringe upon the S3 Graphics (S3 ) holds the patent, and announced the end of investigation.
In July 4th, ITC in Mac OS X in the preliminary identification of Apple system violated the chip maker S3 Graphics patent rights, and iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad no infringement.
It is reported, HTC and Apple’s patent war is not the first defeat. In July of this year, ITC preliminary ruling HTC violated Apple two patents. In order to increase with Apple patent battle chips, HTC announced in July 7th for $300000000 from S3 Graphics via the takeover, but now it seems that 300000000 dollar buys not reached.
Results in the face: the four quarter revenue or zero growth
In a series of patent litigation after the defeat, HTC ‘s performance and stock price encounters serious challenges. Late on November 23rd, HTC issued a statement saying, because the global poor economic environment and market competition, lowered this year fourth quarter revenue expected to“ with the same period last year level, namely” year zero growth, and prior to October 31st, HTC had expected the fourth quarter revenue grew 20% to 30%.
Continuously bad makes HTC experienced price drops considerably, successive record low since last July, this year compared to the historic highs in April, a decline of more than 50%. Citigroup will its rating from “hold ” down to “sell”, Barclays Capital from the “overweight ” down to “hold wait-and-see”.



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