
发布时间: 2012-03-21 12:28   来源:


A resource may be defined as anything used to produce goods or services. Resources may be tangible, such as a pig iron, machine tools, and the inputs which may be combined to produce outputs, where the outputs may be either consumer goods or inputs to other producers, while production may be defined as the process itself The original and fundamental resource in every economy is the human mind, which develops the technology or the knowledge for combining resources most efficiently to produce useful commodities, and through time, technology has expanded as man has experimented with completely new ways to produce, or has improved existing techniques. However, at any point in time, the existing stock of knowledge or the state of industrial technology is given,and the quantity of tangible and intangible resources is fixed in amount. Even if all resources are used at maximum efficiency, the economy can produce only so much In general, the volume of output possible with an economy’s existing resources and available technology is circumscribed at every point in time.

When the fact of unlimited consumer demand is coupled with that of limited resources and technology, we are faced with the fundamental problem of economics: allocating scarce

resources among alternative uses for these resources. It is conceivable that human ingenuity will ultimately prove greater in production than in consumption, that there will someday be enough resources, and the technology to use them, to satiate completely all consumers in society. If so, scarcity will be at an end~ and economics will be obsolete. Until this occurs, however, societies will have to face the age-old problem of allocating their scarce resource among the alternative uses for these resources, in a way that is socially optimal. This fundamental economic problem in turn gives rise to five basic questions which ail societies must answer:

1. What commodities to produce?

2. How much of each to produce?

3. What productive techniques to use and how to provide incentives?

4. How to distribute the output among the various members of society?

5. What provision to make for the future?

Though our interest is principally in a market economy, these five questions will be answered by every society, whether it consciously seeks to answer them or not. In addition, these questions are applicable to all societies, regardless of whether they are directed by tradition, as are primitive societies, by central planning, as are socialistic societies, by market decisions, as are capitalistic societies, or by a combination of all the above, as are most real-world societies. A purely market economy automatically provides answers to all of these questions, although the market’s solution to question 4 is not always considered ethically correct, and the market system may not always provide answers to 1, 2, and 5 that are socially acceptable. In our economy, a major proportion of the decisions on the basic questions are made in output and resource markets. For example, the number of automobiles to produce each year is essentially market determined. However, for many decisions bearing on the basic questions, the market is provided with special inducements to encourage the use of more resources in a given activity, or with restrictions to reduce the use of resources in another. At other points decisions are made centrally, for example, the quantity of legal heroin to be produced and consumed in our economy is determined by central authorities, presumably on the basis of medical needs.












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