
发布时间: 2012-03-22 13:27   来源:

随着苹果iOS 5与谷歌Android4.0系统先后发布,人们自然而然要对两者进行一番比较。尽管一定要在这两大主要对手之间分出胜负,将是件非常困难的事情。但通过诸如对两者的系统特性、优势和劣势以及支持机型的硬件比拼等环节的对比,还是能够让我们对当前这两大智能手机操作系统有更多的了解。

IOS5新意不足 安卓4.0改变更多

或许是iOS系统本身已经足够强大和完善的缘故,苹果在系统版本的升级上仿佛已经找不到更多突破自我的手段,比如iOS 5系统较之与iOS 4系统的升级,更多的只是体现在细节的完善之上,甚至包括下拉菜单等新特性也在开始借鉴Android的特色,给人的新鲜感确实不是很多。

游戏拼的不知是硬件 IOS5游戏更多

既然智能手机比拼的是应用,那么在应用中占据较大的游戏平台方面,两大系统新版本的较量又是怎样的结果呢。从目前的情况来看,iOS平台的游戏体验绝对胜过Android平台,这不仅体现在iOS系统拥有自己的Game Center,而且在支持终端的硬件配置上,苹果iPhone系列也一直走在前端,比如新一代的iPhone 4S在GPU图形处理器上便使用了双核心的配置,相比Android系统平台最新的旗舰机型三星 Galaxy Nexus要领先一筹。


为了配合新系统和新一代iPhone 4S的推出,苹果基于云服务的iCloud开始成为新的亮点。实际上,该功能由 MobileMe 服务演变而来,目的是能够提供跨平台的数据一致性。其特色在于除了新增照片、浏览器书签、文稿同步功能之外,还能将 iOS 5 上应用程序的配置数据同步到云端。相对而言,Android4.0并没有突出这一功能,从过去简单的Gmail联系人备份还原到如今的采用云服务技术24小时多设备同步更新数据,Android系统虽然没有耀眼的招牌,但同样可以体验到云服务带来的诸多便利。但不幸的是,至少Android系统的云服务在国内受到了不少限制。如果你期待在Android系统上得到更好的云服务,可能要失望而归。

NFC与蓝牙4.0的对决 谁将主宰未来

尽管过去在不断曝光的新一代iPhone信息中,NFC近距通信技术一度成为人们期待的对象,但最终发布的苹果iPhone 4S还是选择了蓝牙4.0技术作为自己的近距离数据交换方式。虽然从应用的角度来说,我们很难说孰优孰劣。但不可否认的是此次Android4.0带来的Adroid Beam功能不仅让人们可以通过NFC技术分享app、网页、地图和视频连接等内容,而且也必然是未来的发展潮流和趋势这不仅因为专门推出有谷歌钱包服务,而且包括不同系统领域的厂商也在开始全面加入NFC技术,尤其是全球第一大手机厂商诺基亚在新款手机中标配NFC功能,更是让人们看到了该技术在未来逐步普及的大势所需。因此,即便当前的iPhone 4S没有提供NFC功能,但正如传闻所说的那样,在未来的新一代iPhone手机中集成NFC功能应该没有任何悬念。所不同的是,苹果可能再次发挥自己在创新方面的优势,给出不同寻常的使用体验。

iPhone 4S语音功能强大

智能手机未来的发展方向除了硬件的比拼之外,到底会给用户使用体验带来怎样的改变,相信是不少人期待的对象。为此,苹果此次特别突出了功能强大的Siri语音助手功能,其颇具突破性的应用体验也成了业界谈论的热点。然而,我们也必须看到的是,苹果此举或许也是不得已而为之,在硬件升级不太吸引人的背景下,抓住不多的新亮点来进行宣传向来是苹果的必杀技。就如同当初在iPhone 4上出现的facetime一样,苹果总是通过对一些现有功能的突破性设计来体现自己的个性,但真正的新鲜感过后,会有多少用户会在大街上对着手机叫嚷,则是另外一回事了。

相对而言,语音功能则在Android系统上早已出现,在实际表现上所支持的内容相对有限,因此与苹果iPhone 4S的主推的Siri功能还是有所差距。尽管如此,Android系统的语音功能同样也有不错的表现,甚至还能够支持中文,你可以拨打电话、发送短信,开启导航、播放音乐或是记录便笺。

然而,我们也必须看到的是,苹果此举或许也是不得已而为之,在硬件升级不太吸引人的背景下,抓住不多的新亮点来进行宣传向来是苹果的必杀技。就如同当初在iPhone 4上出现的facetime一样,苹果总是通过对一些现有功能的突破性设计来体现自己的个性,但真正的新鲜感过后,会有多少用户会在大街上对着手机叫嚷,则是另外一回事了。

相对而言,语音功能则在Android系统上早已出现,在实际表现上所支持的内容相对有限,因此与苹果iPhone 4S的主推的Siri功能还是有所差距。尽管如此,Android系统的语音功能同样也有不错的表现,甚至还能够支持中文,你可以拨打电话、发送短信,开启导航、播放音乐或是记录便笺。而Android4.0系统则推出了新功能People,其特色书以联系人照片为核心,集成了Twitter、Linkedin、Google+等通讯工具,未来还有望支持用户自定义添加第三方服务。

而随着微薄热的兴起,手机的摄像头配置和拍照功能也得到了重新的重视,两大系统都在此方面进行了诸多改进。比如Android4.0不仅增加了面部识别解锁,而且还提供了零延时的拍照启动、图片编辑、全景拍摄等功能。而在此方面iOS 5则带来了锁屏直接启动拍照功能,并且音量“+”键充当快门功能在使用中也非常的实用。

值得一提的是,多任务手势也开始更多的被应用到两大系统之中。比如在iOS系统中可以实现四指合拢关闭程序、四指左右拖动切换程序和四指上推显示任务栏等操作,从而大大降低了 Home 键的使用率。因此,传闻 iOS 设备将在未来会取消 Home 键并非空穴来风。

With Apple‘s iOS and Google has released 5 Android4.0 system, people come very naturally to both a comparison. Although be in the two main competitors, the winner, will be very difficult. But through as to both system characteristics, advantages and disadvantages as well as the supported models hardware competition links such as contrast, still can let us on the two top mobile phone operating system have more understanding.

IOS5 Zhuo 4 change more fresh ideas.

Maybe iOS system itself has strong enough and perfect reason, apple in the system upgrade seem to have been unable to find more breakthrough ego means, such as the iOS 5 system compared with the iOS 4 system upgrade, more is reflected in the details of the perfect, even including the drop-down menu and other new features in the beginning from the characteristics of Android, gives fresh feeling really not a lot.

The game is not spelled hardware IOS5 game

Since competition is the application of intelligent mobile phone, so in the application of the larger game platform, two systems a new version of the battle and how is it. Judging from the current situation, the iOS platform game experience is definitely better than the Android platform, this is reflected not only in the iOS system has its own Game Center, and in support of terminal hardware, apple iPhone series have been walking in the front end, such as a new generation of iPhone 4S in GPU graphics processor using dual core configuration, compared to the Android system platform ’s new flagship model Samsung Galaxy Nexus to leading edge.

Cloud services apple is leading an eminent

In order to meet the new system and a new generation of iPhone 4S roll out, apple cloud-based iCloud started to become a new bright spot. In fact, the function of the MobileMe service evolved, aims to provide cross-platform data consistency. Its characteristics is in addition to the new picture, browser bookmarks, presentation synchronization function, can be iOS 5 application configuration data synchronization to the clouds. Relatively speaking, Android4.0 does not highlight this function, from the past simple Gmail contacts backup to the use of cloud services 24 hours more equipment synchronous update data in Android system, although there is no bright signs, but also can experience the cloud service to bring many convenience. Unfortunately, at least Android system cloud service in China has been limited. If you look in the Android system get better cloud services, may be disappointed.

NFC and Bluetooth 4. Who will dominate the future

Although in the past the continuous exposure of the new generation of iPhone information, NFC short-range communications technology became the people look forward to object, but the final release of the apple iPhone 4S or choose to Bluetooth 4 technology as their short-distance data exchange mode. While from the view point of application, it is difficult to say which is better or worse. But it is undeniable that the Android4.0 Adroid Beam function not only let people through NFC technology to share app, webpage, maps and video connections and other content, but also is the future development trend

This is not only because the specialized has launched Google wallet service, and includes different systems in the field of manufacturers also began full accession to the NFC technology, especially the world‘s first major mobile phone manufacturers Nokia in the mobile phone of new standard NFC function, is to let people see the technology in the future popularization trend required. Therefore, even if the current iPhone 4S does not provide NFC function, but as the rumors said that, in a future generation of iPhone mobile phone in integrated NFC function should be no suspense. The difference is, Apple could again play in terms of innovation advantage, given the unusual experience.

IPhone 4S voice powerful

Intelligent mobile phone development direction in the future in addition to hardware competition, how to use experience of a user is how to bring the changes, I believe that many people look forward to object. Therefore, apple this particular highlights of the powerful voice of Siri helper function, its quite a breakthrough applications experience has become a hot topic in the industry. However, we must also see is, Apple’s move is perhaps the last ditch, in hardware upgrade less attractive background, take many highlights for publicity is always the apple of nirvana. As that in iPhone 4 appearing on the FaceTime, apple is always based on some existing features a breakthrough design to reflect their own personality, but the real freshness after, there will be many users on the street shouting to mobile phone, it is another matter.

Relatively speaking, speech function in Android system has appeared, in the actual performance support content is relatively limited, and therefore the apple iPhone 4S advocate Siri function or gap. Even so, Android system voice function also has a good performance, and even be able to support Chinese, you can dial the phone, send SMS, open navigation, playing music or sticky notes.

However, we must also see is, Apple‘s move is perhaps the last ditch, in hardware upgrade less attractive background, take many highlights for publicity is always the apple of nirvana. As that in iPhone 4 appearing on the FaceTime, apple is always based on some existing features a breakthrough design to reflect their own personality, but the real freshness after, there will be many users on the street shouting to mobile phone, it is another matter.

Relatively speaking, speech function in Android system has appeared, in the actual performance support content is relatively limited, and therefore the apple iPhone 4S advocate Siri function or gap. Even so, Android system voice function also has a good performance, and even be able to support Chinese, you can dial the phone, send SMS, open navigation, playing music or sticky notes. While the Android4.0 system is introduced the new function of People, which featured in the book to contact photographs as the core, integration with Twitter, Linkedin, Google + and other communication tools, the future is expected to support user defined add third party services.

With the modest rise heat, mobile phone camera configuration and photographing function has also been renewed attention, two old systems in this respect undertook a lot of improvement. For example, Android4.0 not only increases the facial recognition to unlock, but also provides zero delay taking pictures, picture editing, start panoramic shooting functions. The iOS 5 brings the lock screen directly activate the camera function, and the volume“ +” button acts as a shutter function in use, very practical.

It is worth mentioning that, multitask gesture also begin more being applied to the two system. For example, in the iOS system can achieve four fingers folded closure procedure, four finger drag around switching program and the four finger pushing on the taskbar and other operations, thereby greatly reducing the Home key usage. Therefore, rumors of iOS equipment will be in the future will cancel the Home bond is not a weakness lends wings to rumours.

In the Android4.0 system new characteristics, also provides the virtual key support, this mobile phone can no longer has any key. And this is another advantage is able to maintain the volume of the mobile phone is changeless circumstance falls, increase the touch screen area, thus bringing more impact on the visual effect, especially for those who like surfing the Internet and watching a video of the consumers.

Hardware contrast Ann Zhuo catch up from behind

After talking two systematic differences, we’ll have a look to support the terminal aspect contrast. The last apple in many core hardware configuration has been at the leading edge, especially upgrading the touch screen configuration is often used as a new generation of iPhone prominent selling point for publicity. However, the form has been quietly changed, with the mobile phone Android system speed up the replacement, apple the previous advantage seems to have all gone, only through relatively vague experience as a publicity means. For example, because of the apple iPhone 4S in touch screen and RAM capacity allocation is a continuation of the past, natural brings fresh feeling inadequate. Although the upgrade processor core and the use of more excellent GPU graphics processor, even the camera specification upgrade to 8000000 pixels, but this system in Android mobile phone domain is already it is quite common for things. More important is, in the qHD resolution touch screen mobile phone has gradually become the mainstream of binuclear intelligence under the condition of Android system, and has already begun to 720p specifications into full hd. The release of the first Android4.0 system mobile phone Samsung Galaxy Nexus was first adopted 720p resolution touch screen, the display effect and the quality and performance of natural than Apple‘s iPhone 4S more attractive. In addition, with the level of Android system models is also generally have more touch screen size, and the processor core hardware configuration, Samsung Galaxy Nexus as the representative of the Android4.0 system new machine also upgrades ceaselessly. It is no exaggeration to say, the apple on the hardware configuration of their ancestors step edge is now Android4.0 platform models behind him.

In the course of the apple created intelligent mobile phone mode, we should see the application store platform occupy a very important position, not all kinds of applications, hardware configuration and powerful intelligent mobile phone actually with hundreds of dollars in ordinary mobile phone and not much difference.


硬件对比 安卓后来居上

聊完了两大系统的差异,我们再来看看支持终端方面的对比。过去苹果在不少核心硬件配置上一直处于领先优势,尤其是率先升级的触控屏配置更是每每作为新一代iPhone突出卖点来进行宣传。然而,如今的形式却已经悄然发生了变化,随着Android系统手机更新换代的加速,苹果以往的优势似乎已荡然无存,唯有通过相对空泛的使用体验来作为宣传的手段。比如由于此次苹果iPhone 4S在触控屏和RAM容量配置上完全是过去的延续,自然给人带来的新鲜感不足。虽然将处理器升级为双核和使用更出色的GPU图形处理器,甚至还将摄像头规格升级至800万像素,但这在Android系统手机领域则早已是司空见惯的事情。更为重要的是,在qHD分辨率触控屏双核智能手机已渐成主流的情况下,Android系统又已经开始向720p高清规格全面挺进。此次发布的首款Android4.0系统手机三星 Galaxy Nexus便率先采用了720p分辨率触控屏,其带来的显示效果和画质表现自然要比苹果iPhone 4S更具吸引力。除此之外,Android系统同级别机型还普遍拥有更大的触控屏尺寸,并且在处理器等核心硬件配置上,以三星 Galaxy Nexus为代表的Android4.0系统新机也不断升级。毫不夸张的说,以往苹果在硬件配置上先人一步的优势现在已经被Android4.0平台机型甩在了身后。


With Apple‘s iOS and Google has released 5 Android4.0 system, people come very naturally to both a comparison. Although be in the two main competitors, the winner, will be very difficult. But through as to both system characteristics, advantages and disadvantages as well as the supported models hardware competition links such as contrast, still can let us on the two top mobile phone operating system have more understanding.

IOS5 Zhuo 4 change more fresh ideas.

Maybe iOS system itself has strong enough and perfect reason, apple in the system upgrade seem to have been unable to find more breakthrough ego means, such as the iOS 5 system compared with the iOS 4 system upgrade, more is reflected in the details of the perfect, even including the drop-down menu and other new features in the beginning from the characteristics of Android, gives fresh feeling really not a lot.

The game is not spelled hardware IOS5 game

Since competition is the application of intelligent mobile phone, so in the application of the larger game platform, two systems a new version of the battle and how is it. Judging from the current situation, the iOS platform game experience is definitely better than the Android platform, this is reflected not only in the iOS system has its own Game Center, and in support of terminal hardware, apple iPhone series have been walking in the front end, such as a new generation of iPhone 4S in GPU graphics processor using dual core configuration, compared to the Android system platform ’s new flagship model Samsung Galaxy Nexus to leading edge.

Cloud services apple is leading an eminent

In order to meet the new system and a new generation of iPhone 4S roll out, apple cloud-based iCloud started to become a new bright spot. In fact, the function of the MobileMe service evolved, aims to provide cross-platform data consistency. Its characteristics is in addition to the new picture, browser bookmarks, presentation synchronization function, can be iOS 5 application configuration data synchronization to the clouds. Relatively speaking, Android4.0 does not highlight this function, from the past simple Gmail contacts backup to the use of cloud services 24 hours more equipment synchronous update data in Android system, although there is no bright signs, but also can experience the cloud service to bring many convenience. Unfortunately, at least Android system cloud service in China has been limited. If you look in the Android system get better cloud services, may be disappointed.

NFC and Bluetooth 4. Who will dominate the future

Although in the past the continuous exposure of the new generation of iPhone information, NFC short-range communications technology became the people look forward to object, but the final release of the apple iPhone 4S or choose to Bluetooth 4 technology as their short-distance data exchange mode. While from the view point of application, it is difficult to say which is better or worse. But it is undeniable that the Android4.0 Adroid Beam function not only let people through NFC technology to share app, webpage, maps and video connections and other content, but also is the future development trend

This is not only because the specialized has launched Google wallet service, and includes different systems in the field of manufacturers also began full accession to the NFC technology, especially the world‘s first major mobile phone manufacturers Nokia in the mobile phone of new standard NFC function, is to let people see the technology in the future popularization trend required. Therefore, even if the current iPhone 4S does not provide NFC function, but as the rumors said that, in a future generation of iPhone mobile phone in integrated NFC function should be no suspense. The difference is, Apple could again play in terms of innovation advantage, given the unusual experience.

IPhone 4S voice powerful

Intelligent mobile phone development direction in the future in addition to hardware competition, how to use experience of a user is how to bring the changes, I believe that many people look forward to object. Therefore, apple this particular highlights of the powerful voice of Siri helper function, its quite a breakthrough applications experience has become a hot topic in the industry. However, we must also see is, Apple’s move is perhaps the last ditch, in hardware upgrade less attractive background, take many highlights for publicity is always the apple of nirvana. As that in iPhone 4 appearing on the FaceTime, apple is always based on some existing features a breakthrough design to reflect their own personality, but the real freshness after, there will be many users on the street shouting to mobile phone, it is another matter.

Relatively speaking, speech function in Android system has appeared, in the actual performance support content is relatively limited, and therefore the apple iPhone 4S advocate Siri function or gap. Even so, Android system voice function also has a good performance, and even be able to support Chinese, you can dial the phone, send SMS, open navigation, playing music or sticky notes.

However, we must also see is, Apple‘s move is perhaps the last ditch, in hardware upgrade less attractive background, take many highlights for publicity is always the apple of nirvana. As that in iPhone 4 appearing on the FaceTime, apple is always based on some existing features a breakthrough design to reflect their own personality, but the real freshness after, there will be many users on the street shouting to mobile phone, it is another matter.

Relatively speaking, speech function in Android system has appeared, in the actual performance support content is relatively limited, and therefore the apple iPhone 4S advocate Siri function or gap. Even so, Android system voice function also has a good performance, and even be able to support Chinese, you can dial the phone, send SMS, open navigation, playing music or sticky notes. While the Android4.0 system is introduced the new function of People, which featured in the book to contact photographs as the core, integration with Twitter, Linkedin, Google + and other communication tools, the future is expected to support user defined add third party services.

With the modest rise heat, mobile phone camera configuration and photographing function has also been renewed attention, two old systems in this respect undertook a lot of improvement. For example, Android4.0 not only increases the facial recognition to unlock, but also provides zero delay taking pictures, picture editing, start panoramic shooting functions. The iOS 5 brings the lock screen directly activate the camera function, and the volume“ +” button acts as a shutter function in use, very practical.

It is worth mentioning that, multitask gesture also begin more being applied to the two system. For example, in the iOS system can achieve four fingers folded closure procedure, four finger drag around switching program and the four finger pushing on the taskbar and other operations, thereby greatly reducing the Home key usage. Therefore, rumors of iOS equipment will be in the future will cancel the Home bond is not a weakness lends wings to rumours.

In the Android4.0 system new characteristics, also provides the virtual key support, this mobile phone can no longer has any key. And this is another advantage is able to maintain the volume of the mobile phone is changeless circumstance falls, increase the touch screen area, thus bringing more impact on the visual effect, especially for those who like surfing the Internet and watching a video of the consumers.

Hardware contrast Ann Zhuo catch up from behind

After talking two systematic differences, we’ll have a look to support the terminal aspect contrast. The last apple in many core hardware configuration has been at the leading edge, especially upgrading the touch screen configuration is often used as a new generation of iPhone prominent selling point for publicity. However, the form has been quietly changed, with the mobile phone Android system speed up the replacement, apple the previous advantage seems to have all gone, only through relatively vague experience as a publicity means. For example, because of the apple iPhone 4S in touch screen and RAM capacity allocation is a continuation of the past, natural brings fresh feeling inadequate. Although the upgrade processor core and the use of more excellent GPU graphics processor, even the camera specification upgrade to 8000000 pixels, but this system in Android mobile phone domain is already it is quite common for things. More important is, in the qHD resolution touch screen mobile phone has gradually become the mainstream of binuclear intelligence under the condition of Android system, and has already begun to 720p specifications into full hd. The release of the first Android4.0 system mobile phone Samsung Galaxy Nexus was first adopted 720p resolution touch screen, the display effect and the quality and performance of natural than Apple‘s iPhone 4S more attractive. In addition, with the level of Android system models is also generally have more touch screen size, and the processor core hardware configuration, Samsung Galaxy Nexus as the representative of the Android4.0 system new machine also upgrades ceaselessly. It is no exaggeration to say, the apple on the hardware configuration of their ancestors step edge is now Android4.0 platform models behind him.

In the course of the apple created intelligent mobile phone mode, we should see the application store platform occupy a very important position, not all kinds of applications, hardware configuration and powerful intelligent mobile phone actually with hundreds of dollars in ordinary mobile phone and not much difference.



院长信箱: yzxx@beiwaionline.com      合作信箱: hezuo@beiwaionline.com

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