实用英语:iPhone 4S被爆耳机间歇性失灵

发布时间: 2012-03-22 13:13   来源:

北京时间11月7日消息,据国外媒体报道,iPhone 4S再度出现严重问题:多数用户打电话时发现耳机失灵。


据猜测,该问题可能和iOS 5的一个“驱动问题”有关。

在iOS 5.0.1软件中,苹果修正了一些漏洞,软件已经发送给开发者。不过,软件正式推出可能还需要数周时间。

上周,苹果证实搭载iOS 5系统的部分iPhone手机中电池使用时限大大低于预期,其主要原因还是iOS5的漏洞所致。

北京时间11月7日消息,据国外媒体报道,iPhone 4S再度出现严重问题:多数用户打电话时发现耳机失灵。


据猜测,该问题可能和iOS 5的一个“驱动问题”有关。

在iOS 5.0.1软件中,苹果修正了一些漏洞,软件已经发送给开发者。不过,软件正式推出可能还需要数周时间。

上周,苹果证实搭载iOS 5系统的部分iPhone手机中电池使用时限大大低于预期,其主要原因还是iOS5的漏洞所致。

Beijing on November 7th news, according to foreign media reports, iPhone 4S once again appear serious problems: most users call found headset failure.

Apple support page, about the discussion of this problem over 29 pages. Feedback from the user point of view, the operators appeared this kind of problem, but according to some users, the problem is intermittent.

According to forecasting, the problem may and iOS 5 a“ drive”。

In the iOS 5.0.1 software, apple fixes some bugs, software has been sent to the developer. However, the software was officially launched may also require several weeks of time.

Last week, apple confirmed with iOS 5 portion of the system iPhone mobile phone battery usage time is significantly lower than expected, the main reason is that the iOS5 flaw caused by.

Beijing on November 7th news, according to foreign media reports, iPhone 4S once again appear serious problems: most users call found headset failure.

Apple support page, about the discussion of this problem over 29 pages. Feedback from the user point of view, the operators appeared this kind of problem, but according to some users, the problem is intermittent.

According to forecasting, the problem may and iOS 5 a“ drive”。

In the iOS 5.0.1 software, apple fixes some bugs, software has been sent to the developer. However, the software was officially launched may also require several weeks of time.

Last week, apple confirmed with iOS 5 portion of the system iPhone mobile phone battery usage time is significantly lower than expected, the main reason is that the iOS5 flaw caused by.



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