
发布时间: 2012-03-22 13:51   来源:

11月22日消息 据国外媒体报道,市场调查机构Canalys旗下子公司Palo Alto今天公布一份报告。报告显示,若加上平板电脑,苹果在个人电脑市场所占的份额已在过去4个季度里由9%上升到了15%——这平了苹果公司过去15年的最高纪录。而照此速度发展,苹果在2012年时则很有可能会超越惠普成为全球第一大个人电脑生产商。

Canalys的分析师蒂姆·柯林(Tim Coulling)表示,“惠普和苹果将在今年第四季度里为赢得个人电脑销售冠军这一头衔而进行一番较量。不过,苹果要想全面超越惠普,或许还要等到iPad 3问世以后。”然而,柯林的报告并没有对未来惠普在个人电脑市场上的份额作出预测。

苹果被广泛认为将于明年3月份发布下一代的iPad平板电脑。但Canalys认为,iPad在平板电脑市场上的统治地位正受到来自亚马逊Kindle Fire的威胁。


并非所有的分析师都会把平板电脑归类到PC销售中。然而,上周一份来自投行Needham & Co.的报告显示,若只计算苹果的电脑销售,其市场份额如今只有5%,仍落后于惠普、联想和戴尔。Needham表示,苹果的市场增长很快,要快过其他任何一家公司。不过,苹果目前所获得的市场占有率已是公司过去15年来的最高水平。

In November 22nd the news reported according to the overseas media, market research agencies a subsidiary of Canalys Palo Alto today released a report. The report shows, if coupled with tablet PCs, apple in the personal computer market share has over the past 4 quarters rose from 9% to 15% -- the apple over the past 15 years the highest record. While at this pace, apple in 2012 when it is likely to be beyond the HP became the world‘s largest personal computer manufacturer.

Canalys analyst Tim Colin ( Tim Coulling ) said,“ HP and apple in the fourth quarter of this year to win the title of personal computer sales champion to a contest. However, apple to full beyond HP, perhaps have to wait until after the advent of iPad 3.” However, Colin did not report on the future of HP in the PC market share forecast.

Apple is widely believed to be released in March next year the next generation iPad tablet PC. But Canalys says, iPad in the tablet PC market dominance is being come from the Amazon Kindle Fire threat.

But in general, the tablet PC sales growth, Canalys is expected this year, global PC volume will reach 415000000 units, to achieve an annual growth of 15% over the same period.

Not all analysts are classified into the PC tablet computer sales. However, last week a report from the investment bank Needham & Co. Report shows, if only to calculate the apple computer sales, market share of only 5%, still lag behind at HP, Dell and lenovo. According to Needham, Apple’s market grows very fast, faster than any other company. However, Apple has gained market share is the company of the past 15 years top level.



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