
发布时间: 2012-03-22 13:51   来源:

虽然在美国Verizon已经运营着LTE网络,不过在实际的网速表现并没有太多的速度测试。日前,美国AT&T已于9月在休斯顿通上了4G网络,而HTC Vivid和三星GALAXY S II Skyrocket两款支持LTE网络的手机正式发布后,LTE网络实际网速的表现终于可以出炉了。房地产软文

从HTC Vivid、三星GALAXY S II Skyrocket以及摩托罗拉RAZR在LTE网络下的实际表现来看,HTC Vivid的表现最好,其下行的速率达到了44.56Mb/s,而GALAXY S II Skyrocket达到了34.23Mb/s,摩托罗拉 Droid RAZR的下行速率也达到了37.Mb/s,表现都非常的抢眼。不过根据4G的定义,下行速率达到100Mb/s被视为其标准,虽然现行的LTE速率已经非常的惊人,不过离100Mb/s还有很远的路要走。

Although the United States has been operating in Verizon LTE network, but in the actual speed performance and not too much speed test. Recently, the United States AT&T has in Houston in September on the 4G network, and HTC Vivid and Samsung GALAXY S II Skyrocket two LTE support the mobile phone network after the launch, LTE network actual speed performance can finally released.

From the HTC Vivid GALAXY S II Skyrocket, Samsung, Motorola RAZR in LTE network to the actual performance, HTC Vivid had the best performance, the descending rate can reach 44.56Mb / s, and GALAXY S II Skyrocket reached 34.23Mb / s, the Motorola Droid RAZR downlink rate up to 37.Mb / s, performance is very the eye-catching. However, according to 4G, downlink rate reached 100Mb / S is regarded as the standard, although the current LTE rate was very surprising, but from 100Mb / s still has a long way to go.



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