
发布时间: 2012-03-26 14:07   来源:


最常听说的记忆英文词汇的方法恐怕是这个: 每天背单词n个,坚持数月/年,积少成多,定有大成。For lack of a better term,我们称这种方法为“死记硬背”。

当然,也会有人推荐: “不能脱离语境,脱离了语境的词汇变成了完全抽象的符号,当然难记了。。..。.。通过电视,报纸,杂志来学习词汇就好的多了。..。..”(引博客某君留言),推崇用第二种方法的人也一定不在少数。Again for lack of a better term,我们把这办法叫做“读新闻学词汇”。




1. blithesome = 欣喜,快乐(形容词);同义词: gay, merry

2. berserk = 发狂,疯狂(形容词);同义词: frenzied, crazed

3. sedentary = 不好动,需要久坐(形容词);同义词: not migratory, of much sitting

4. debonair = 有礼貌,潇洒、没烦恼(形容词);同义词: urbane, nonchalant, suave

5. undulant = 作波浪式上下变动(形容词);同义词: of wavy form or outline。


1. cabotage = 贸易或货物运输(名词),

2. sobriquet = 别名,外号(名词)

3. palatable = 口感好、味道不错(形容词)

4. officinal = 止痛的,去病的(形容词)

5. meander = (道路)弯曲复杂,闲逛、漫游(动词)

6. maudlin = 酒后愁情流露,感情脆弱、外露(形容词)

7. ideate = 有了主意,形成概念(动词)

8. hebetude = 懒惰、愚钝(名词)

9. fastidious = 吹毛求疵、标准过高要求过严(形容词)

10. exculpate = 使。.。无罪释放



READING, Ohio A man who runs a Cincinnati-area barbecue joint says the busty mannequin he tethered to the front of the building has been good for business, but city officials say he needs a permit to keep her there。

Under Reading (REH‘-ding) city rules, the 5-foot-10 brunette is considered a sign and requires a permit。

Restaurateur Kenny Tessel says the bikini-clad figure in the tight short-shorts cost him nearly $200, but he quickly made that back in profit。

He already has made one change. He removed a chain that kept the mannequin latched to a utility pole after police said that was against the sign code。

Tessel had chained the mannequin because he said he didn’t want some ”yahoo“ tossing her into the back of a pickup truck。



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