英国宝宝压力大 过早成为"小大人"

发布时间: 2012-04-05 14:46   来源:


英国宝宝压力大 过早成为"小大人"
Busy babies 'being turned into mini adults' as many have fuller schedules than their parents

Babies are being turned into 'mini adults' with busy schedules of singing, yoga, gym, swimming and salsa classes, childcare experts claim.


They say children are forced to grow up too soon due to the commercialisation of childhood and targets set by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) – or 'nappy curriculum' – in schools.

Their concerns are raised in a new book, Too Much, Too Soon?, due to be submitted to the Department for Education's consultation on the EYFS, which ends on Friday.

新书《过多,过早?》提到了他们的忧虑,这本新书将被提交给英国教育部的早期教育纲要研讨会,会议将于周五结束。http://www.24en.com 爱思英语网

One of the book's authors, infant massage instructor Sylvie Hétu, says: 'Babies now have "schedules" that are as important as those of adults. It is quite common that babies have a class every day.


'Baby music, baby yoga, baby gym, baby singing, baby salsa, baby language, baby Einstein, and baby swim classes are all very common nowadays.'


Many baby classes – such as salsa and yoga – require mothers to perform the activity, but provide an opportunity for 'bonding'.

However, Miss Hétu says infants should be protected from 'over-stimulation' and need the 'calm presence of their parents' and 'day-to-day house sounds'.


She also calls for a revival in lullabies, saying a generation of parents do not 'intuitively sing' to their babies.


The book, edited by Dr Richard House of the Open EYE campaign group, concludes: 'The evidence is overwhelming that "too much, too soon" is deeply damaging both to individual children and to our culture.


'Educators, parents and policy-makers have a grave responsibility to arrest and reverse the "adultification" of children and childhood in whatever ways they can.'




院长信箱: yzxx@beiwaionline.com      合作信箱: hezuo@beiwaionline.com

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