
发布时间: 2010-12-09 11:23   来源: 北外网院




When I was a little girl, I traveled with my family by a ship and met a foreign young couple who spoke English. At that time, it was surprising to have a chance to meet foreigners. It depressed me that I cannot communicate with them because of language obstacle but I could clearly remember that a college student had talked with them very happily. They were very nice and said “hi” everyday to me but I was too shamed that I could hardly answer them. From then on, I decided I would learn English well once I touched English. Though that was a dream of a little girl, it has become an impetus for me to learn English and I really love this language. But because of certain reasons, besides the regular English education in the junior middle school, I have learned English mainly by myself until I join the beiwaionline family.

Through the two years study, I have made some progress in my English learning. Under tutors’ advice, my writing seems better and my old mistakes have been corrected; Under tests’ pressure, my listening and oral skills have been improved because of the force of practice; Under the class atmosphere, the knowledge about English history and culture have been known more and more by tutors’ vivid expressions and tones. I tried to read texts carefully and look up new words in the dictionary; I tried to watch English-speaking novels and movies; I tried to talk with more foreigners and did not regard English writing as a hard and boring thing. So at the last semester, the average score of my two courses are over 80 and I feel more confident in how to learn English well and wish to enter advanced English learning realm.

I really appreciate bewaionline provide an opportunity for me who love English and cherish this chance. Besides attending classes and finishing homework and quizzes on time, I tried to preview and review contents. Usually I would repeat reading every book two or three times before every examination. I take advantage of free time to group with my classmates to practice oral English and go over lessons through the ask-and-answer way. I know I have a long distance from the top students and I would endeavor to catch up with their steps. And I would strive to graduate successfully and finally get the bachelor’s degree.



院长信箱: yzxx@beiwaionline.com      合作信箱: hezuo@beiwaionline.com

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