
发布时间: 2016-11-08 13:17   来源:



What’s Wrong?

口语练习的目的是掌握沟通技巧,在听到并且听懂的前提下做出恰当、合理的回复,其中的重点是“Make yourself understood”!

Group Discussions

重视多人沟通的练习机会。掌握听的技巧,从他人表述或者观点中不断学习,从而做出妥当反应和回复。记住,“There are no wrong answers. Just bad communication skills”!

Ask yourself

自查英语学习的情况,了解想要表述的观点、技巧,想想将如何提高英语水平,通过哪些行之有效的方法达到提高效果。“My English is bad. I can’t speak well. Better keep quiet”!

不要给自己错误的信号,更不要认为表述中的错误是很丢脸的事。练习口语阶段不必暗示要有纯正的口音,需要做的是“Learn from others’ mistakes before you share. After you have spoken: What could I have said instead? How could I have said it better?”




Jobs, Work and Interview

11.10 Thur. 20:00PM - 22:00PM

We will be discussing some criteria about what you look for in a job, what you value about work, and different western culture values at work plus some interview related discussions.

We will also talk about some difficult questions employers might ask and some tips to ace that interview.


Self Discovery

11.17 Thur. 20:00PM - 22:00PM

Here we will go in depth into discovering yourself, your identity, why you are the way you are...

Participants will be required to take a Myers-Briggs test.

The subject of Love Languages will also be discussed, and a Past Experiences Inventory will be taken.

This week is all about self-reflection and soul searching.


YOLO(You Only Live Once)

11.24 Thur. 20:00PM - 22:00PM

Here we will talk about living life to the fullest.

What can we do to live like today was our last?

We will discuss bucket lists, goal and vision setting and spontaneity.







院长信箱: yzxx@beiwaionline.com      合作信箱: hezuo@beiwaionline.com

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